Many people think it is true but it isn't.
Increase or Improve
Cry off
to walk away and cry
Look Over
I did not look over at his paper because that would be cheating.
Something being disproven.
(any science experiment or research)
People think it is true but there is no scientific evidence
Conventional Wisdom, Commonly held perspective, Intuitively true.
Slow Down
to reduce speed
Speak Out
It is important to speak out if you see someone being bullied.
A commonly held perception
The color red makes a bull angry
A verb that means reveal
remove or cancel
Mess Around
to be unfocused. Focus is without direction or aim.
Speed Up
You need to speed up whenever you merge a car onto the freeway.
A rumor
(something someone has said about someone else)
A verb that means "to prove something is not true"
Debunk, or Disprove
in the open
Find Out
To discover something new.
Switch Off
Can you please switch off the light?
lay off, cry off, fall off, switch off
A verb that means to prove something IS true
decrease or reduce
Look Over
To review someones work and assess them. To think about someone else's work.
Go On
I am tired of hiking, you can go on without me.
A sentence using a Passive Voice
The cake was eaten by the children.