5 Beginning Your Career
5 Beginning Your Career
6 Introduction to Food Safety
6 Introduction to Food Safety
Personal Hygiene

List 3 ways to find jobs.

Jobs may be found through the  following:  

Employee recruitment 

•  Networking and personal contacts  •  Community and school placement  agencies  

•  Employment agencies  

•  Online job advertisement services  •  Job fairs  

•  Youth work studies and internships


List 3 ways that an applicant can  make a good first impression to an  interviewer?

•  Punctuality 

•  Appearance 

•  Good personal hygiene 

•  Positive attitude 

•  Good manners


Name the 6 conditions that favor  the growth of most foodborne  pathogens.

•  Food: specifically proteins and  carbohydrates 

•  Acidity: contains little or no acid  (pH 4.6 to 7.5) 

•  Temperature: 41°F to 135°F 

•  Time: 4 or more hours in the  

temperature danger zone 

•  Oxygen: the necessary level of  oxygen 

•  Moisture: pathogens need moisture  in food to grow


List at least 4 of the Big 8 food  allergens.

Crustacean shellfish 

•  Eggs 

•  Fish 

•  Milk 

•  Peanuts 

•  Soy 

•  Tree nuts 

•  Wheat


Name 2 instances when food  handlers must change their gloves.

•  When they are soiled or torn 

•  Before beginning a different task •  At least every 4 hours during  

continual use 

•  After handling raw meat, seafood, or  poultry and before handling ready-to eat food


What is a job application form?

A job application form is a document  that provides a first impression of what  a potential employee has to offer. It  contains general information and  employment history. 


How many minutes before an  interview should an applicant arrive?



Most bacteria can be controlled by  following this food safety practice.

Keeping food out of the temperature  danger zone


What is a food allergy? 

A food allergy is the body’s negative  reaction to a food protein.


Once soap has been applied, how  long should food handlers scrub  hands and arms?

20 seconds (10-15)


What is a résumé? 

A résumé is a written summary of  experience, skills, and achievements  that relate to the job being sought.  It is like a sales brochure that tells an  employer why the applicant is the best  person to hire for the job.


What step should a job applicant  take after the job interview?

Send the interviewer a thank you letter  or email.


What does TCS food stand for? 

Food that needs time and temperature  control for safety.


Identify 2 steps that a server can take  to keep guests with food allergies  safe.

Tell the guest how each dish is made  and know which dishes contain Big 8  allergens.  

•  Tell the guest about any secret ingre dients that may contain allergens.  •  Suggest alternative menu items that  do not have the food allergen.  

•  Identify the allergen special order for  the kitchen staff.  

•  Verbally tell the kitchen staff about  the food allergen.  

•  Hand-deliver the allergen special  order to the guest.


Name a hand-care practice, other  than handwashing, that can prevent  contamination.

•  Keeping fingernails short and clean •  Not wearing nail polish or false  fingernails 

•  Covering hand wounds with clean  bandages and gloves or finger cots


Name at least 3 areas that potential  employers may not ask about.

•  Marital status 

•  Height 

•  Weight 

•  Age 

•  Handicaps 

•  Race or national origin 

•  Religion 

•  Political information


What is the difference between  open-ended questions, and closed  questions?

Closed questions can be answered with  a simple yes or no or with a brief, factual  statement. 

Open-ended questions encourage job  applicants to talk about themselves.


What are the best ways to prevent the  spread of viruses?

•  Stay home if you have been vomiting  or have diarrhea or jaundice 

•  Wash your hands at the right times  and in the right way 

•  Avoid using bare hands to handle  ready-to-eat food


Explain how food can be made safe  after it has come in contact with an  allergen.

Once food has come in contact with an  allergen, it cannot be made safe again.  Set the food aside and do not serve it to  a guest with a food allergy.


Name 3 symptoms that require a food  handler to stay home from work.

•  Sore throat with fever in an operation  that primarily serves a high-risk  


•  Diarrhea from an infectious condition •  Vomiting from an infectious condition •  Jaundice from an infectious  


•  Diagnosed with Hepatitis A or  Salmonella Typhi


Name 5 of the 8 guidelines for  effective listening.

•  Preparing to listen 

•  Showing attention 

•  Not interrupting the speaking  •  Asking questions to clarify the  message 

•  Rephrasing and repeating what was  heard 

•  Listening between the lines 

•  Not overreacting  

•  Recording key ideas and phrases


Name 5 of the 8 guidelines for  effective listening.

Preparing to listen 

•  Showing attention 

•  Not interrupting the speaking  •  Asking questions to clarify the  message 

•  Rephrasing and repeating what was  heard 

•  Listening between the lines 

•  Not overreacting  

•  Recording key ideas and phrases


Name 3 populations at high risk for  foodborne illness.

•  Elderly people 

•  Preschool age children 

•  People with compromised immune  systems