Who is God, and how can we respect Him?
Disobeying the commandment of God
Consequences of Obedience
Noah's Ark and the flood
Respecting God (The tower of Babel)
Sodom & Gomorrah
Abraham's Obedience
10 Plagues of Egypt

Who entered Athens, and had spoken about Christ?

A. Peter           C. Paul

B. Philip           D. Mark



What did Eve do that God has forbidden them from doing?

A. Eating with the serpent    C. Eating grapes

B. drinking water                 D. Eating the apple

Eating the apple - the tree of knowledge of good and evil 


What did God give them even after Adam and Eve disobeyed Him?

A. food          C. clothes

B. shelter       D. money



Who was with Noah in the ark?

A. family & random people        C. animals 

B. family & animals                  D. plants

family & animals


Why couldn't the people understand each other when building the tower of Babel?

A. Were tired and lazy to finish   C. Wanted a Party

B. Spoke in different languages   D. none of the above

Spoke in different languages 

True or False 

God found 10 good people in the cities


What did God wanted Abraham to sacrifice?

A. himself         C. Isaac

B. a lamb          D. angel 



What country was Moses trying to escape with his people?

Hint: Pharaoh had refused several times



In Acts 17:24-25, Paul teaches us that God is the______

A. creator          C. ruler

B. sustainer       D. Father 



What is one of the things we can learn from this story that's important for our lives?

A. We should disobey God's commandments

B. We should seek forgiveness from God when sinning

C. We shouldn't pray but rather cry

D. Call people bad names

We should seek forgiveness from God when sinning


What were the consequences of Adam and Eve's sin?

A. Death                  C. sin no more

B. feed the animals   D. continue to eat apples

Death and the fall were the consequences. Eve had birth pains and Adam had to toil the earth


What did God tell the people but refused to listen to?

A. confess                     C. fast

B. follow your dreams    D. repent



Why would the Lord try to confuse the language? They...

A. were dishonest         C. were prideful

B. were angry              D. none of the above

were prideful 


What happened to Lot's wife when she looked back at the city? 

A. Pillar of sugar         C. Pillar of flour

B. Pillar of salt            D. Pillar of ashes

Pillar of salt


What is the behavior from Abraham to God?

A. disobedience         C. humbleness

B. Obedience             D. pride



Memory Verse:

"Let my people ___, that they may ______ me."

Exodus 9:13

go, serve


In Athens what did this apostle notice it says when he saw the empty altar?

Hint: he told the people about the true God 

"To an unknown God"


How many stories (people) can you name from the Bible that disobeyed God's commandments? Name as many as you can!

Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Moses, Jonah, King Saul, King David, Aaron (& sons) 


Memory verse - fill in the blank:

"but he who______ against Me wrongs his own soul." 

Hint: Proverbs 8:36 


What did God promise after the flood?

Extra credit: How many colors were the rainbow that God created?

A new/fresh start

Extra credit: 7


What is one of the things we can learn from Tower of Babel that's important for our lives?

A. To be humble        C. To fight to get what we want

B. To fast & pray       D. none of the above

To be humble


What is one of the things we can learn from Sodom and Gommorah that's important for our lives?

A. We must run away from sin

B. We should always obey God

C. We should not surround ourselves with bad people

D. All of the above

All of the above 

True or False

Abraham traveled to the mountain with a servants a donkey and his son Isaac. 



Name the 10 plagues of Egypt

1. Watre turned to blood

2. Plague of frogs

3. Plague of Lice

4. Plague of flies 

5. Plague of livestock

6. Plague of boils

7. Plague of hail

8. Plague of locust

9.Plague of Darkness

10. Death of the firstborn