Michael: One is considered a sports GOAT, while the other one is Jose Mari Chan's Western counterpart.
Jordan - Buble
NBA Teams
This prodigal explorer uses Jarro Lightfeather as his fake name in his adventures.
This term refers to the "rectangle-ness" of angles, you get it "right"?
Colonel Sanders hears from his poultry about a sighting of aliens near the Ursa Minor.
Kentucky Fried Chicken Little Dipper
John: Both are referred to as "holy" people, but one is clothed with a white cassock in 1978, and the other is just naked.
Pope John Paul II - John the Baptist
Master Ball, Barney, Dora's Backpack
This artificial waterway connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea and divides Asia and Africa's continents.
Suez Canal
The scientific process of "pulling out" moisture from the air, which is often used to prevent the growth of molds and dust mites.
The Duke of Sussex enrolls in Hogwarts to find a mythical item hidden under an "extraterrestrial" structure in England.
James: One has a steamy music video with Kelsey Merritt, while the other one is a former PH Azkal player.
Reid - Younghusband
Racecar, kayak, "was it a car or a cat I saw?"
It refers to the crime of stealing or misappropriating an asset that is entrusted by another person.
This refers to the ability of a substance to generate light using the energy within itself.
A ghost kid from Nickelodeon haunting a Paris concert hall was discovered in an Internet web portal.
Danny Phantom of the Opera Web Browser
Arnold: One is a cyborg assassin, and the other one was labeled "#medyorude" or "#medyobadboy" back in 2013.
Schwarzenegger - Clavio
Stay, Neverland, Dive
K-Pop Fandom Names
The 26th book of the Bible was written by this prophet, also known as "the watchman", wherein he prophesized about the regathering of the people of God.
A collective term for film-makers who oversee and direct camera movements and photography aesthetics.
A father tells his kids the story of his first encounter with a computer component during his meeting with leaders that were elected by shareholders in their company.
How I Met Your Motherboard of Directors
Matt/Matthew: One played the main character in Interstellar, and the other one play the main character in The Martian.
Matthew McConaughey - Matt Damon
Aside from being characters from games: Reyna, Tahm Kench, Doom
Devour (skill)
This government-economic philosophy is similar to the "YOLO" mentality as it literally means "let it be", maintaining minimal government interference in the economic activities of individuals and corporations.
An expert in the field of garden cultivation and management.
Characters try to find the escape route as an exploding device's clock timer adjusts to warmer weather
Dead by Daylight Saving Time Bomb