The axial skeleton is made up of x amount of bones
What is 80?
The 4 different body habitus'
What is hypersthenic (large), Asthenic (very thin), hyposthenic (slender), and sthenic (average)?
The right upper quadrant anatomy
What is the liver, gallbladder, right colic flexure, duodenum, head of the pancreas, right kidney, and right suprarenal gland?
Wrist bones
What is the scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate and hamate?
General movements of shoulder joint
What is synovial, diarthrodial, ball and socket, and gliding?
The appendicular skeleton is made up of x amount of bones
What is 126?
The number of ribs on an PA chest, and must be included anatomy
The Right lower quadrant anatomy
What is the ascending colon, appendix, cecum, 2/3 of the ileum and the ileocecal valve?
Fat pads and what they indicate
What is near a synovial joint and its associated soft tissue and its presence may be an indication for disease or injury?
Anatomy shown in an external rotation in a shoulder image
What is the greater tubercle seen laterally, and the lesser tubercle is anterior?
Bones that produce red blood cells
what is the sternum, ribs, vertebrae and pelvis?
The bony landmarks necessary for a chest image
Jugular notch (AP), and C7 vertebral prominens, and T7.
Ways to protect patient from radiation
kVp increase for casts
What is a small/med plaster cast (up5-7), large plaster cast (up 8-10), or fiberglass cast (up 3-4)?
The grashey method shows
What is the glenohumeral joint?
The categories of functions of bones
What is diarthrodial (freely moveable), amphiarthrodial (limited), and synarthrodial (immoveable)?
Central ray for PA chest
What is 7 inches below the vertebral prominens?
7 Landmarks of the abdomen
What is the xiphoid process(T9-T10), inferior costal margin (L2-3), iliac crest (L4-5), ASIS, greater trochanter, symphysis pubis, and ischial tuberosity?
Coyle method must include
What is the radial head completely free of any superimposition of any adjacent bones?
What is the "Y" method to show
What is a superimposition of the humerus and the lateral border of the scapula?
Three cardinal rules for radiation protection
What is time, distance, and shielding?
Patient position for lateral chest
What is the patients arms raised, elbows pushed together with the central ray at armpit?
Anatomy must be included in a KUB
What is the kidneys, ureters, bladder, liver, spleen, psoas muscles, stomach, bowel segments, and arch of the symphysis pubis?
What is collimation, accurate centering, grid use or evaluation of the exposure indicator?
Neutral shoulder positioning shows
What is the lessser tubercle seen more medially, and the greater tubercle seen anterior, but laterally?