Main Idea & Supporting details
Revise &
Authors Purpose
Explain main idea/central idea:

Main idea is the most important or central thought of the story.


Explain theme:

Theme is the central message of the story


What goes at the end of this sentence?
WOW!  Did you see that ___



What is a poet?

The writer of a poem 

What is the author's purpose for writing a passage like the following?

A five-paragraph essay in which the author attempts to convince readers to recycle more and to be less wasteful.

to inform

to entertain

to persuade

to describe

To persuade 


What is the main difference between THEME and MAIN IDEA. 

Theme is a universal lesson, and main idea is what a story is about.


Which of the following could be the theme of a story?

A. Fear is more dangerous than anything

B. A brave young girl pretends to be a man and takes her father's place in the army.

C. a fear of heights

D. "I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too."


A. Fear is more dangerous than any anything 


Choose the Punctuation that fits Best

I need lettuce_ tomato_ cheese_ and ground beef for burgers tonight.

Commas , , , 


A metaphor is used for

A. judgment

B. flashbacks

C. comparison

D. comedy


C. Comparison


When the author gives you a hint about something that will happen later in the story, it is called 

A. flashback

B. foreshadowing

C. a spoiler

D. a surprise

B. Foreshadowing 


There are many fun things to do at the beach.  Swimming is one thing that can be done at the beach.  Snorkeling is another thing that can be enjoyed.  Playing beach volleyball can be a lot of fun.  It is also fun to look for shells.  Some people simply like to sunbathe.
What is the main idea?

A. There are many fun things to do at the beach.

B. It is also fun to look for shells.

C. Some people simply like to sunbathe.

D. Going to the beach to swim can be fun.

A. There are many fun things to do at the beach.


One way you could figure out the theme is to...

Figure out what the character has learned. 


Which sentence uses commas correctly?

Jake, my black and white cat, loves to sleep on the couch next to me. 

Jake my black and white cat, loves to sleep on the couch next to me. 

Jake my black, and white cat, loves to sleep on the couch next to me. 

Jake, my black and white cat loves to sleep on the couch next to me. 

Jake, my black and white cat, loves to sleep on the couch next to me.


When an author uses sensory details to appeal to your five senses, it is called

A. foreshadowing

B. characterization

C. mood

D. imagery

D. Imagery


Do you want to be an artist? Just enroll in "The Awesome Artists" program. Don't let this opportunity or your talent slip away. We guarantee you will be painting like the masters in two weeks for a low cost of $59.95.
What is the author's purpose?

answer choices:

to entertain you with a story about artists

to teach you how all artists become famous

to convince you to attend an art program

to explain how to paint a sunset

to convince you to attend an art program


Hummingbirds love pink or red flowers. They guard their favorite flowers and try to keep other birds away. They fight one another for food. Their wings make a whirring sound when they hover over flowers to sip nectar. The tiny birds fly long distances to go to a warmer climate for the winter. They make their tiny nests in shrubs or trees.
What is the main idea?

Hummingbirds are interesting birds

They hover over flowers to sip nectar.

They fly long distances to travel to warmer climates in the winter

Hummingbirds are interesting birds


Kara chose a difficult piece to play for the piano recital. 

She practiced everyday after school even when her friends called to see if she could hang out. Despite all that practice, she was still having trouble playing the piece. Kara thought about switching to an easier piece, but instead she decided to double her practice time.

The night of her recital she was the last one to play. When Kara began playing , her fingers danced across the keyboard.

What is the most likely theme of the story?

A. Kara practiced a lot and played well.

B. It takes a lot of practice to play the piano.

C. Persistence pays off.

D. Force yourself to be better. 

Persistence pays off.


What is the correct way to write the sentence?

A. Until you eat your dinner, you can't have dessert.

B. Until you eat your dinner. You can't have dessert.

C. Until, you eat your dinner you can't have dessert.

D. No change needed.


A. Until you eat your dinner, you can't have dessert.


What is a group of lines in a poem (set up like the "paragraphs" of poetry) called?



Once upon a time, there was a sad dragon. People were afraid of him because he breathed fire. So, one day, he bought a bid bag of marshmallows, got some sticks, and put up a sign: "Free Marshmallow Roast." No one was afraid if him anymore.

to persuade

to inform

to entertain

to entertain 


Soccer players learn many skills when playing soccer.  Soccer players learn how to dribble and pass the ball.  They also learn how to control the ball so they can eventually score.  Most importantly, soccer players learn how to work together with their teammates. 

What is the main idea?

A. They also learn how to control the ball so they can eventually score.

B. Soccer players learn how to dribble.

C. They learn how to work together as teammates.

D. Soccer players learn many skills when playing soccer.

D. Soccer players learn many skills when playing soccer.


Mara's family lived next to a grumpy old lady who was always yelling at them for something. However, one day she saw Mrs. Olsen drop a bag of groceries. Mara helped her pick them up. After that day, Mrs. Olsen started inviting her over more often to help out. Sometimes Mrs. Olsen would invite her to stay for tea. As the years passed, Mara eventually moved away to college, but she still managed to stop by and visit her not so grumpy neighbor. 

A. Sometimes people are grumpy and need a friend.

B. It's best to treat others with kindness.

C. Mara is very kind person.

B. It's best to treat others with kindness.



A. Change it to them

B. Delete so

C. Change they're to their

D. Change become to became

A. Change it to them


Someday we will all have robots that will be our personal servants. They will look and behave much like real humans. We will be able to talk to these mechanical helpers and they will be able to respond in kind! Amazingly, the robots of the future will be able to learn from experience. They will be smart, strong, and untiring workers whose only goal will be to make our lives easier.

What is this selection mainly about?

A.Someday we will have robots that will be our personal servants.

B.We will be able to talk to robots and they will be able to respond.

C.Robots will be untiring workers.

D. Amazingly, the robots of the future will be able to learn from experience.

Someday we will have robots that will be our personal servants.


It's important to go to school. What you learn in school will help you later in life. It will also help you get a job. If you work hard in school and make good grades, you may be able to go to college and have a career.
What is the author's purpose?

to entertain with a story about school

to teach you how to get good grades

to persuade you to work hard in school

to explain the best colleges


to persuade you to work hard in school