The writing Process
Main Idea & Key Details
Making Inferences
Subject/ Verb Agreement
Part of Speech

What stage of the writing process do you brainstorm ideas & begin creating your outline?

What is Prewriting?


What is the point or overall message of a text?

What is Main Idea?


Flamingos start with white feathers. If they eat a lot of shrimp their feathers turn pink. How does this happen?

  1. Their feathers randomly change colors.

  2. They control their feathers with their minds.

  3. Something in the shrimp turns their feathers pink.

What is Answer 3?

Choose the verb form that agrees with the subject:

All the students (marks, mark) their own papers.

What is Mark?


Name the part of speech:

What is the word drew?

What is Verb?

During what stage of the writing process do you begin creating a rough copy of your writing?

What is Drafting and Rough Draft?


What supports the Main Idea in a text?

What is Key Details?


The player kicked the ball with his foot. The ball flew far away. The player began crying and holding his ankle. What happened?

  1. The player hurt his ankle.

  2. The player was tired and wanted to go home.

  3. The player hurt his knee.

What is Answer 1?


Choose the verb that agrees with the subject in the following sentence:

Then Chase and True (march or marches) up to Skye’s desk.

What is March?


What part of speech is the word Arkansas?

What is Proper Noun?


During what stage of the writing process do you improve your work (Add detail, dialogue, descriptive words)?

What is Revising?


What is the main idea of the following text:

Kittens need special care. You have to feed kittens twice a day. They have a lot of energy. You will have to watch them closely.

What is Kittens need special care?


A bug was flying in the forest. It hit a spider web and got stuck. The spider crept towards the bug. What happened next?

  1. The spider helped the bug.

  2. The spider danced with the bug.

  3. The spider ate the bug.

What is Answer 3?


Name the correct verb tense:

Yesterday, Joseph (experiment) with some new rhymes.

What is Experimented?


What part of speech is the word quickly?

What is adverb?


During what stage of the writing process do you proofread your work (check for punctuation, capitalization)?

What is Editing?


What is a key detail from the following text:

Kittens need special care. You have to feed kittens twice a day. They have a lot of energy. You will have to watch them closely.

You have to feed kittens twice a day, or they have a lot of energy, or you will have to watch them closely.


The children were playing pin the tail on the donkey. One of the boys was very short. His hand only reached the donkey’s feet. What do you think happened next?

  1. The little boy pinned the tail in the right spot.

  2. The little boy pinned the tail to the feet.

  3. The little boy grew.

What is Answer 2?


Name the correct tense of the verb:

Tomorrow, he (visit) Trey’s house after school.

What is will Visit?


What part of speech is the word sisters?

What is Plural Noun?


During what stage of the writing process do you create your clean final copy?

What is Final Draft?


Mrs. Cunningham, Davidson, and Wallace decide if you answer this correctly for 500 points. (they must give the main idea & 3 details)


Sally’s dad brought home a silly hat. He put it on and asked Sally how he looked. Sally laughed. Why did Sally laugh?

  1. Her dad looked funny in the hat.

  2. She thought of a funny joke.

  3. She was being tickled.

What is Answer 1?


Name the correct verb tense:

Kaden hopes that Kellan (help) on their assignment.

What is will help?


Change the part of speech to a noun: teach

What is Teacher?