What is the The Trinity
The Father, The Son, & The Holy Spirit
How much of the Bible is false?
None of it
What was Jesus' role?
To die for our sins
Where is the best place to get any answers you may have?
The Bible
How many Gods do we worhsip?
When did the Trinity start?
It always existed (eternal)
How do we know Jesus is talking in the Bible (most of them)?
The words are red
What DRAWS us to salvation
God the Spirit
Why can we be so confident that what we read about is true?
Because everything in the Bible is true
Which one of the members of the Trinity is God?
All of them
How long will the Trinity last?
FOREVER (Eternal)
The Bible shows 3 ways it shows that the Holy Spirit is a person, what 3 things did we talk about? (100 points for each examply)
Intelligence, Emotions, & Will
What was the Holy Spirit's role?
Applies salvation
How can you be more confident when discussing your relationship with God to others?
Spend time with God (Pray, Bible, devotions, church, etc.)
We should love the Lord our God with all our ... (3 things, each one get's 100 points)
Heart, Soul & Mind
If there was no Trinity ...
There would be no God (God wouldn't exist)
How many different authors did God use to write the Bible?
Over 40 different authors
What was The Father's role?
He planned it all
Why should we try to understand God more?
So we can be confident and tell others about God!
Definition of Grace and Mercy
Grace - Getting what you don't deserve
Mercy - Not getting what you do deserve
Why will we never be able FULLY understand the Trinity?
Because we are human and it's a God thing. It doesn't make sense how it's possible to us
Over how many years did it take to write the Bible?
Over 1600 years
What is God's role for us?
To spread the Word of God to others
Why should we never reject anything (about God) that we don't fully understand?
We will never FULLY understand God (we are not God)
How do we have proof that Jesus is God?
If Jesus wasn't God, He wouldn't be qualified to die for our sins