Earth Day
Two-Letter Words
Stupid Autocorrect

Earth Day was largely inspired by this Nebraska state holiday where citizens are encouraged to plant trees.

What is Arbor Day?


On March 27, 2022, the Los Angeles Police Department stated that after "an incident between two individuals during the Academy Awards program," this comedian "declined to file a police report."

Who is Chris Rock?


A circle's circumference divided by its diameter equals this mathematical constant.

What is pi?


This activist was imprisoned for 27 years for fighting against South Africa's apartheid policy, then was elected president shortly after his release.

Who is Nelson Mandela?


we went camping last night and i could see all the constipation


ughhh the star things

What are constellations?


As opposed to energy sources that are gone once used up, these other kinds of energy sources are naturally replaced and do not run out.

What are renewables?


This comedian's best-known routines include bits about Delta Airlines, a horse in a hospital, and the story of messing with a jukebox in a diner.

Who is John Mulaney?


A former partner or spouse can be called this for short.

What is an ex?


Barack Obama's father, Barack Obama Sr., was an economist from this country along the equator.

What is Kenya?


we're backpacking my sister at church next sunday

i mean bypassing

like she's going in the water omg

What is baptizing?


On Earth Day 2021, this Swedish environmental activist told Congress, "Unlike you, my generation will not give up without a fight."

Who is Greta Thunberg?


This duo starred in 5 seasons of comedy sketches, playing many characters including Barack Obama, his "anger translator", and an intense subtitute teacher.

Who are Key and Peele?


He is the main character of the Kung Fu Panda films, voiced by Jack Black.

Who is Po?


In the original Star Wars, this desolate crime-ridden planet was named after a city in Tunisia, where many of these desert scenes were filmed.

What is Tatooine?


hey could u pick up some more vanilla expert

vanilla extinct

aaaaaaaa that liquid stuff i use to bake cookies

What is vanilla extract?


About a month before Earth Day, many buildings go dark during Earth Hour, when people and businesses save energy by doing this for 60 minutes.

What is turning off the lights?


After briefly hosting The Tonight Show on NBC, he had his own talk show on TBS from 2010 to 2021.

Who is Conan O'Brien?


In most English translations, this is the first word of the first verse of the Bible.

What is in?


Used in bluegrass and other American folk music, this stringed instrument was introduced to the U.S. by enslaved people from West Africa.

What is the banjo?


sorry can't talk now i have labyrinths



my throat hurts

What is laryngitis?


April 22 was chosen for its convenience to college students, but some people wanted Earth Day to fall on this March event when the sun crosses the Earth's equator.

What is the spring equinox?


Known for her SNL appearances and hosting gigs, she also created Mean Girls, 30 Rock, and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.

Who is Tina Fey?


The name of the musical note G in the "do, re, mi..." scale.

What is so?


When all countries of the world are listed alphabetically, this southern African nation comes last.

What is Zimbabwe?


help my gf enrolled us in a cappuccino class

capybara class

that brazilian martial art dang it

What is capoeira?