What is the name of our former 'Area Seventy' that was recently named as a new General Authority Seventy?
Elder Jonathan S. Schmitt
Elder Schmitt hails from Mesa, Arizona. His most recent Church service was in the Eleventh Quorum of the Seventy in the North America Southwest Area. He was president of the California San Diego Mission from 2014 to 2017. He has undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Arizona. Elder Schmitt was assistant vice president of Arizona State University at the time of his call to be General Authority Seventy. He and his wife, Alexis, have four children.
President Russell M Nelson opened General Conference by stating, 'As followers of Jesus Christ, we plead with leaders of nations to find ______________ resolutions to their differences.'
Elder D. Todd Christopherson said, 'Our repentance and obedience, our ________ and our sacrifices do matter'
What was Dallin H Oaks' profession?
President Oaks was a law clerk to Chief Justice Earl Warren at the U.S. Supreme Court and later served as a Utah Supreme Court justice until his call to apostleship in 1984.
What is the total Church Membership in millions?
How many new Area Seventies were announced in the leadership session of General Conference?
45 New Area Seventies
President M Russel Ballard's talk was entitled, '____________ Service Blessed My Life Forever'
Elder Gary E Stevenson said, “Gratefully, the Savior’s great commission can be accomplished through simple, easily understandable principles taught to each of us from childhood: _______, share and invite.”
What is Russell M Nelson's age?
97 years
Born: September 9, 1924
What is the number of full time 'Teaching' missionaries in thousands?
What 2 General Presidencies will be reorganized effective August 2022?
Relief Society General Presidency & Primary General Presidency.
Relief Society General Presidency (beginning August 1, 2022): First Counselor J. Anette Dennis, President Camille N. Johnson, and Second Counselor Kristin M. Yee
Primary General Presidency (beginning August 1, 2022): First Counselor Amy Wright, President Susan H. Porter and Second Counselor Tracy Y. Browning
Elder David A Bednar said, 'Gospel ______________ and ________________ operate in our lives much like a compass.'
Covenants & Ordinances
Elder Ronald A Rasband said, “When religion is given the space and freedom to flourish, believers perform simple and sometimes heroic acts of ___________.”
President M. Russell Ballard admits he’s never entirely alone in his office at Church headquarters.
The sculpted busts of three venerable Latter-day Saint leaders — ____________, _____________, _____________ — rest prominently atop a credenza near his office window.
The Prophet Joseph Smith is President Ballard’s great-great-uncle and Hyrum is his great-great-grandfather. The Church’s sixth president, Joseph F. Smith, is his great-grandfather.
What is the number of Church 'Service' Missionaries in thousands?
How many Temples has President Nelson announced since 2018?
President Henry B Eyring said, 'When the storms in life come, you can be steady bcause you are standing on the rock of your faith in ___________ ___________.
Jesus Christ
Elder Dieter F Uchtdorf said, “Very few of us will ever be asked to sacrifice our lives for the Savior. But we are all invited to ____________ our lives to Him.”
What is the total number of temples currently in operation?
How many new Temples were announced in the April 2022 General Conference?
Elder Jeffrey R Holland said, 'To any of our youth out there who are struggling, whatever you conerns or difficulties, death by ________________ is manifestly not the answer.'
President Russell M. Nelsons closing remarks were entitled, '_________ Is The Time'
The April 2022 general conference was the ______nd annual general conference at the conference center in Salt Lake City.
How many converts were baptised in 2021 in thousands?