What is our room number?
After lunch and at 2:00pm.
What time is recess?
In the classwork basket.
Where do we put our daily class assignments?
Everyday for 15-30 minutes.
How long should I read at home?
10:30 and 12:05
What time are specials and lunch?
Other students, the computers, Ms. Lee if she isn't working with another student.
Who can I ask for help?
Standing in a straight line on the basketball court.
Where do we go and how do we act during a firedrill?
Our math books, class chapter book, whiteboard markers, pencils and journals.
What items do we keep in our desk?
Monday - Wednesday. Turn it in on Thursdays.
When do I record my reading on my reading long and when should I turn it in?
From the faucet or you can fill you water bottle up at the drinking fountain.
Where or how can I get a drink?
In a straight line behind the yellow strip on the floor.
How do we line up to leave the class?
No running, whisper if you need to talk, do touch the walls and be nice.
How do we walk down the hallway?
School supplies, library books, and extra things we have at school.
What do I keep in my cubby?
Spelling words and math flash cards.
What other things can I practice for homework?
Put it in your assigned spot and plugged in.
What should I do with my chromebook at the end of the day?
Turn in any assignments/paperwork to Ms. Lee, make sure you have at least 2 sharpened pencils, and select a morning bin/activity.
What do I do when I come into the classroom in the mornings?
One at a time, not when Ms. Lee is teaching, write your name on the bathroom board.
What are the rules for using the bathroom?
Daily writing prompts and class notes.
What goes in my journal?
In the classwork basket on Thursday Mornings.
Where do I turn in my reading log?
Your name should be at the top, neat and your best work.
What should your papers look like when they are turned in?
Be nice and be respectful.
What are the classroom rules?
No yelling, don't leave the room, continue working, be nice.
What should I do if Ms. Lee needs to leave the room?
On the left hand board in the front of the room.
Where can I look to see what we are doing each day?
The front of Ms. Lee's desk.
Where do I put important information or paperwork from my parents?
Read a book, write in your journal or practice math facts.
What should I do if I finish early?