How many call attempts are to be made to one customer?
2 1st attempt voicemail, 2nd attempt email will be sent out
Wow, that was really easy! This is a customer response to this displayed behavior
Make it effortless
This xfinity product can be offered to an Xfinity internet customer who has a pre-teen pestering for their own phone
Xfinity Mobile
Listening, resolving, and addressing the primary reason for the contact with Comcast is positively reflected here
What is FCR
Xfinity customer with this pending, are unable to add additional services
What is a work order?
What is the proper protocol when no surveys are coming in?
refresh workflow wait 2 min if no surveys do it again
I'm so glad I reached someone who understands and listens to me! This os a customer response to this displayed behavior.
Listen actively and respond appropriately
This upgrade to the WIFI includes advanced security and control that helps ensures the most coverage
What is XFi complete
Adding value to all interactions, improves the experience of an Xfinity customer and is measured by this
Whart is tNPS
What can you go add or change service?
select the tools icon and select change of service?
What are some 4 of the xfinity reward benefits?
Discounts, early access to games, family activates, late night show tickets,
I had no idea I could access my DVR from the Stream app! This is a customer response to this displayed behavior
Be an Xfinity ambassador
Explain the following my account app
Allows customers to pay bill online, check outages, troubleshooting
What are 3 ways to find an ITG
searched, recommended, selected
What is the difference between from service address and bill to?
Bill to address is where the bill is going to, service address is where the actual service is at
What does it mean when you need to Bypass a survey?
It means that another team has worked it or is working it
Thanks for explaining this to me. I definitely feel more prepared now. This is a customer response to this displayed behavior
Set clear expectations
What is a wireless gateway?
wireless gateway is a device that provides the functionality of a Wi-Fi router
How many different types of IP address are they and what are they
4 Static, Dynamic, Public, Private
How much is the shipping charge to send out accessories?
What is the difference between stop & save and save & next? And when should each one be applied.
Stop and save is stop incoming surveys from coming in save and next is when you are ready for the next survey
?This is a perfect solution for what my family needs. This is a customer response to this displayed behavior
Discover needs
What can a customer do from the main page of the xfinity app?
Pause devices, view current active daily usage/time for connected devices, see assigned devices
The purpose of a reboot is to what?
Force the problem device to reset itself from a last good known state
How many ways are there to capture customer approval?
3 voice, email, text