
When Monsieur Brady is speaking, what should a student be doing?

Listening and not talking.

A student is off-task by playing around on their chromebook?

The student was given a warning. 

What will happen to their chromebook the next time Monsieur Brady has to speak to them?

It will be taken away.


A student says : "I don't have my Chromebook" or "My Chromebook is dead". They have been sitting there doing nothing for awhile now.

What should they do?

They should go to the long table and grab a paper copy of assignment.

There are no excuses !


What do we do when we have a question ?

We raise our hands. 


Where should borrowed materials go at the end of French class ? (pencils, markers, scissors...etc.)

Back where they belong ! Back where you found them !

In the box of markers, the bin of pencil crayons..etc.


When should we open our Chromebooks ?

When Monsieur Brady says it is Okay !


A student is being unsafe in the classroom, running around and distracting the learning of others.

They were given two strikes (two warnings)

What happens on strike three ?

The student will be sent down to the office.


A student rushed through the work and wrote random things in their answers. 

Is this acceptable? What could they have done?

No. They could have asked Monsieur Brady for help.


A student has their hand raised, can they start talking right away?

No, wait for Monsieur Brady to address the student by calling their name.


Should borrowed materials be left inside the desks?

No ! Clean up after yourselves please !


When O'Canada is playing. What should we be doing?

Listening. No talking and hats off.

A student is playing loud noises or music from their Chromebook. Everyone in the class can hear this. Is this acceptable?
Nope !

Why does Monsieur Brady make a seating plan? 

Certain students work better with others. Some friends distract other friends from listening and working. Some students need to be separated and sit elsewhere.


Why do you think Monsieur Brady asks you to repeat the French words with him?

So that we can learn what the words mean and how to say them properly.


If we bring in snacks or drinks, where should the garbage go ?

In the garbage can !


When another student is answering or participating what should everyone else be doing?

Listening quietly, not talking over the other person. One person at a time.


A student won't stop playing on their phone. They have not finished their work / task. They have been reminded several times to put it away.

What will happen the next time they play around on their phone?

A message will be sent home regarding the use of cellphones.

The principal will be contacted and a meeting will occur.


What helps us to concentrate when we are working?

Quiet environment, no distractions, less talking, no moving bodies...etc.


Why is it important to participate in class?

To learn the new words / topics and do well on quizzes or tests.


Does respecting the classroom look like playing with the sink, making firecrackers / paper airplanes, throwing things around?

What should happen to the student if they refuse to respect the environment

It is unacceptable. 

They will leave the classroom, and a message will be sent home.


If we are unsure about a French word Monsieur Brady said, what could we do?

Ask him to repeat it

Think of an English word it sounds like / looks like

Look at the Smartboard for examples

Ask a smart friend


Is teasing, name-calling, bullying allowed? 

What do you think should happen to a student who is disturbing another student?


They will be given a warning and then asked to leave. A note will go home about the offences.


When would it be an appropriate time to play on our phones or chromebooks ?

(Tik Tok, Snapchat, 1v1LoL)

When all of our French work is finished / turned-in.

What is the best way to learn a new language?

By speaking it. 


Is it safe to stand on desks or the counter at the back?

Nope. Please get down.