When Monsieur Brady is speaking, what should you be doing?
Not talking, sitting quietly and listening.
A student is being very loud and disruptive to others. They were given two warnings.
What might happen the third time?
They will not get to do 'le tirage', no tickets, and they will be sent down to the office.
A student doesn't know what to do in French class. They start to play around with others in the classroom.
Is this okay? What could they do?
No. They could ask Monsieur Brady for help.
When a student has a question, what should they do?
Raise their hands.
When we borrow things from Monsieur Brady, where do we put them when French is over?
Where they belong! Back in the boxes or bins!
If you didn't hear what Monsieur Brady said, what can you do?
Ask Monsieur Brady to repeat himself
Look at the Smartboard for help
Raise your hand
Ask a friend
Why do you think Monsieur Brady makes a seating plan?
A student didn't get the French work because they were in the bathroom or the helper missed them.
What could they do? Where can we find extra copies of French work?
When Monsieur Brady is practicing new French words aloud, what should you be doing ?
Practicing with him?
Do we put our borrowed materials into the desks when French is over?
When another student is speaking or asking a question, what should you be doing?
Quietly listening.
Are toys allowed in French class?
What happens when someone brings one in?
They will put it away in their backpacks. A note will go home about this.
What can we do when we are done our work early?
Extras on the long table (wordsearches, colouring...etc.)
Play the board games
Why it is important to practice the new words with Monsieur Brady?
Saying things aloud helps us to remember the words, what they mean and how to properly say them.
Is throwing things around, making a mess on the floor an example of respecting the classroom ?
What can we do if we made a mess?
Clean it up ! Grab a broom.
When we are lined up, should we be listening to the numbers being called before us?
Monsieur Brady made nice new board games to play.
Should we crumple it, bend it and play it the wrong way?
No, because we don't know what we are actually doing. We don't know if we will need pencils that day.
Is making mistakes in French class allowed?
Absolutely, we learn through our mistakes.
They could have the wrong answers.
We won't learn for ourselves by copying answers of others.
A student is teasing, name-calling or bullying another student.
Is this allowed? What should happen to them?
Quiet environments, no distractions, less talking, less moving bodies.
Understanding what we are to do.
What is the best way to learn a new language
By speaking it!
Monsieur Brady gave me paper with 3 holes in it. Where should I put it?
In my duotang !!!!