Favorite musicians of Sheree's
Who are Bonnie Raitt, Eddie Vedder and Bob Dylan as evidenced by her pet's names?
What is Sheree's most common treat brought to the office?
Videography passion
What is the fact that Sheree has a youtube channel for her dogs?
also accepted
What is Jib-Jab?
What is the average number of calls Sheree fielded for building foundations/concrete? also acceptable What is the number of calls Sheree fielded for Hippodrome tickets?
West Virginia
Where did Sheree visit with her sister for a genealogy research trip?
What is Eddie's St. Paul's wrap (chicken salad with grapes)?
Also accepted Shrimp Salad Special
Sounds effects
What is Sheree's fabulous laugh?
Deck and Yard
What is Sheree's sanctuary in which she's recently invested substantial time and treasure?
Favorite dessert
What is Key Lime Pie?
yarns at lunch
What is Sheree's storytelling talent?
What is the number of endowments monitored annually by Sheree?
Seasonal desk accessory
What is Shree's happiness lamp?
Howard County Fame
What is Sheree's Blue ribbon award winning cheesecake?
Randy Newman would agree
What is Sheree's supportive nature? "We've got a friend in her"
What is the number of unique organizations funded during Sheree's tenure?
Job that highlighted a favorite hobby
What is the Pratt library?
What are the total pounds gained by Sheree's colleagues from eating her homemade treats?
Full Moon activity
What is Sheree's ringtone - Moondance by Van Moorison?