First Avenger?
Captain America
Billionaire hero?
Invincible’s protagonist?
Invincible(Mark Grayson)
Who says “scorched Earth”?
Billy Butcher
The ability to move objects at a distance by mental power or other nonphsysical means
Doctor Strange - ___, I’ve come to bargain.
Which version of Batman was merged with the Flash?
Red Death
Which planet did Omni-Man come from?
The leader of The Seven?
The ability to communicate thoughts and ideas mentally
How did Black Panther get his powers?
Heart-Shaped Herb
Who was Wonder Woman’s first major enemy?
God of War Ares
How many members are in the original Guardians of the Globe
Who is new CEO of Vought at the end of season 3?
Victoria Neuman
The ability to create, control, and manipulate liquid water at will?
How did Thor lose his eye in Ragnarok?
Hela strikes Thor with her sword
Who did Batman Who Laughs become after obtaining Doctor Manhattan’s powers?
The Darkest Knight
Which is the strongest character who was hired by Machine Head to defeat the new Guardian of the Globe?
Battle Beast
Black Noir’s real name?
The ability to manipulate absolutely everything using all kinetic abilities that are in existence and possible to learn
Which version of Iron-Man became evil
Superior Iron-Man
Which island did Wonder Woman come from?
Mark Grayson’s friend’s full name?
William Clockwell
Which character was denied into The Seven?
The Deep(The Peak)
The ability to speak, read, and write all languages