Scientific Foundations

_____ is when you are in the same location and you remember better; ____ is when you are in the same emotional state and you remember similar things.

What are context effects and mood-congruent memories?


This type of research uses independent and dependent variables, making it the only type of research that can prove causation. 

What is an experiment?


A sleep disorder where you can't fall asleep is called ______ and one where you have EDS (excessive daytime sleepiness) is called _____.

What are insomnia and narcolepsy or sleep apnea?


The conditioned stimulus in the famous baby Albert experiment.

What is a white rat or white objects?


The type of processing when thoughts, expectations,  and interpretations affect what you perceive when encountering novel stimuli. 

What is top down processing?


This is the biological basis for memory, the neural changes that occur when you remember something new. 

What is long-term potentiation?


This man opened the first psychology lab in Germany. 

Who is Wilhelm Wundt?


The brief electrical charge that travels down the axon of a neuron, which causes the release of neurotransmitters such as ________.

What are action potential and Serotonin/GABA/dopamine/acetylcholine/endorphins/glutamate?


The experiment that explored the relationship between watching TV violence and performing acts of violence. And the researcher's name. 

What is the Bobo doll experiment by Albert Bandura?


These psychologists studied how some visual stimuli seem to have the phenomena that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, such as when we see figure-ground, closure, or continuity. 

Who are gestalt psychologists?


_____ tests measures how much you have already learned and _____ tests measure your ability to learn and think.

What are achievement and aptitude?


The best people to study if you want to know if something is caused by nature or nuture. 

Who are identical twins?


This is the drug classification of alcohol.

What is a depressant?


The schedule of reinforcement that lasts the longest after reinforcers stop being given, i. e. it does not go extinct quickly. 

What is variable ratio?


Sound waves are turned to _______ in the _______ (part of the ear) and this new form of energy travels to the brain down the auditory nerve. 

What are electrical/neural impulses and cochlea?


This developmental disability is caused by having an extra 21st chromosome in every cell of your body, which makes you totally awesome.

What is Down syndrome?


Correlation does not prove this. 

What is causation?


This part of the brain is involved in processing explicit memories.

What is hippocampus?


These two researchers studied the classical conditioning of rats in their famous taste aversion experiment. And their research proved that there are ______ constraints to classical conditioning.

Who are Garcia and Koelling?


This theory states that within your eye are tiny cells that can receive waves of light and translate them into one of three colors: blue, green, and red.

What is the Young-Helmholtz Trichromatic Theory?


In her research on ______ and eye-witness testimony, Loftus asked participants what they saw when the two cars _____ into each other.

What are misinformation effect and smashed?


In a normal curve, the percent of people who fall within one standard deviation of the mean is ____ and the number that falls within two standard deviations is _____. 

What are 68% and 95%?


Prozac, and several other antidepressants, is classified is an SSRI, which stands for _____ and it does it's work in this part of the neuron.

What is selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor and synapse?


A type of reinforcement... you subtract an annoying stimulus and it increases the behavior... Mr. A's seatbelt example.

What is negative reinforcement?


_____ blindness occurs when you aren't paying attention and _______ blindness occurs when you don't notice that something is different.

What are inattentional blindness and change blindness?