Where was Barack born?
His Toes/A Scale
What is the worst recommendation anyone in this family has ever made?
Madison - Eating and Cabela's
How much money has PJ spent on fortnite?
What movie did PJ famously say was "too slow to start and was boring in the beginning"?
John Wick 1
Who next up out of Atlanta?
Junt Sosa
Planet Fitness
In early 2023, the "Shrimp Scampi Sabateur of Stuart" was finally apprehended by authorities. Under interrogation by police for nearly 196 hours, he finally cracked and spilled his guts. Who rang him out on that fateful night?
How many majors has Madison had?
What actor currently holds the record for most stunts performed without a stunt man?
Tom Cruise
Who killed pop smoke?
Corey Walker/Keandre Rodgers
A Good Grade
Even with her glasses, what can't Madison see?
What school did Sean go to?
What was the best selling movie of 2019?
Avengers: End Game
Who killed Biggie?
The C.I.A.
In 2017, a rematch for the ages occurred at the Palace of Malace in Stuart Florida between Justin "The Jew Juicer" McDonough, and Sean "The Brick Layer" McDonough. Who won by TKO in the first round?
Justin famously has owned 6 different vehicles in as many years. What was the first car he crashed?
The Black Truck
What rich family had a child be eaten by African/SA cannibals?
What affliction does EDP445 currently have?
Live/Kidney failure
PJ and Sean fought a lot about who gets to tank in Overwatch. Who was right?
Which dog fell into the pool under Sean's watch?
Ancient Norse prophecies foretold that a Goddess would come to Earth in the year 1999. She would travel on a piece of wood with four small wheels, and constantly do tricks throughout the air as if it were magic. She'd come grinding down from the skies on the most heavenly rail, before hitting a half pipe at near the speed of light.
By all historical accounts, what was her name?
Justine Patricia McDonough, Skateboarding Goddess