Jean Piaget
For what we use the language?
To communicate and express ourselves with other people.
Ivan Pavlov did an experiment about behavior, which theory supports it?
Classical conditioning theory
Study logical systems, qualities and coherence.
Philosophy of logic.
Human quality, set of capacities and provisions, that allow a person to receive influences to build their knowledge.
Who made the pyramid of needs?
Abraham Maslow
Mental capacity that enables a subject to register, preserve and focus experience
What are Edwar Thorndikes three laws of learning?
Law of exercise (use and disuse), law of effect and law of disposition.
System of signals of any physical nature that fulfills a cognitive function and a communicative function (of relationship) in the process of human activity.
Philosophy of language.
Stage of development where skills and learning are acquired to develop the next stage of life.
His main theory and origin of all things attributes it to water.
Tales de Mileto
Able to actively capture, process and make sense of information reaching our sense
Which are the five levels of the pyramid of needs?
Physiological needs, safety needs, love and belonging needs, esteem needs, and self actualization needs,
Different fundamental entities that make up the universe.
Represent the meaning of certain actions, emotions
and/or words.
Symbolic learning
Philosopher, author of the phrase ''everything flows, nothing remains''.
Heraclitus of Ephesus.
Sitting, crawling, running, jumping, throwing a ball and climbing the stairs, are...?
Moto skills
Form reaction of an animal to the problem?
Trial and error.
Nature, structure and fundamental principles of reality.
Symbolic learning.
aesthetic values
The fathers of behaviorism
Pavlov, Watson, Thorndike and Skinner
Turn on, play attention, memorize, speak, read, reason, understand, are...?
Cognitive skills
What are the 4 stages of Bandura’s theory
Attention, Retention, reproduction and motivation.
Truth of fact, hypothesis, scientific law, technical rule, theory experiment..
Words used to designate people, animals, places, things, ideas, or feelings