"Referrals for Dummies"
Animal Intelligence
Wacky Facts
Phobia Fun
Weird State Laws

"Do you know anyone with..." is the proper way to ask for a referral. True or False?

What is false! You should be asking "Who do you know with..." as it is more of a direct question.


What animal can be allergic to humans?

What is a cat. (If your cat is wheezing or coughing, they're probably allergic to human dander like humans can be to cat dander!)


The dot above a lowercase i is known as a what?

What is a "Tittle". 


Melophobia is the fear of what thing most people love?

What is music.


In some parts of this state, selling bottled water is illegal.

What is Massachusetts.


What is the weekly goal for total # of referrals that recruiters should be acheiving?

What is 15 total!


What Bird Has Eyes That Are Bigger Than Its Brain?

What is an ostrich.


Americans do this 22 times per day.

What is open the fridge. 


Ergophobia is the fear of what.

What is work. (We all have this some days.)


In which state is it illegal to sing out of tune?

What is North Carolina. 


If you receive a referral from a candidate, what should you do in your call list?

What is add that person to the call list! Find them on LI, add their company, title, etc. Then reach out and add notes!


Which animal cannot physically look up at the sky?

What is a pig.

Nearly 1/4 of the bones in a human body are located here.

Where is the foot.


Allodoxaphobia is the fear of other people's what?

What are opinions.


In which state is it illegal to blow a whistle outdoors?

What is Connecticut.


If you are reaching out to a referral, you should mention what in said outreach?

What is the referral source! This lets the person know that you're reaching out from a trusted source and they will be more likely to respond/take the call.

*Unless the candidate asks you to reach out anonymously, then do not mention their name!


What animal can't walk backwards?

What is a kangaroo. (Emus also can't walk backwards!)


These two countries allow a nap break during working hours.

What are Spain and Italy. (In spanich, this midday nap is called a Siesta.... "Quiero tomar una siesta.")


Pogonophobia is the fear or irrational dislike of what on the human body?

What are beards.


In this state, you'd be breaking the law if you trip a horse or try to wrestle a bear.

What is Oklahoma.


How many referrals did Christine say that she received while recruiting when she mentioned the 'contest' she was participating in?

What is 40! (Christine is GOALS! lol)


Which animal has 5 hearts?

What is a worm.


What is composed of 59% Nitrogen, 21% Hydrogen, and 9% Dioxide?

What is a fart. (I.e.: a poot, a bottom belch, a trouser tuba.)


Peladphobia is the fear of what?

What is bald people.


In this state, it is illegal for anybody to run for public office if they have ever participated in a duel. 

What is Tennessee.