What's the Problem with 'Hispanic'? Just Ask a 'Latino'
The arguments about Hispanic vs Latino

'No soy Hispano, soy _____'

What is Cubano?


The non-binary solution to the genderized label. Also the 24th letter of the alphabet.

What is Latinx?


It sounds more natural in Spanish as opposed to Hispanic

What is Latino/Latina?


"Hispania", the Phoenician word for "Land of rabbits" were used by these Latin warriors during their conquest of the area that includes modern-day Spain.

What are the Romans?


Chicanx traces its ancestry beyond the ethnocide of indigenous communities

What is Mestizaje?


Arguments against the term LatinX often claim it is a blatant form of ______. The forcing of U.S ideals upon a language in a way that does not grammatically or orally corresponds with it. 

What is linguistic imperialism?


The move was originally hailed as a way for Hispanic communities to gain more ____ and ____.

What are political representation and government services?


This chosen identity is stereotyped with gangs, cholos, and pandilleros.

What is Chicanx?
Some argue that the word Hispanic ignores these roots of many people it describes

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Jorge del Pinal, chief of ethnic and Hispanic statistics at the Bureau of the Census, struggled with describing Spanish-speaking or surnamed groups. He justified the label Spanish/Hispanic saying that it was used to fit this ______ group.

What is amorphous?


The argument against the phrase 'LatinX' often uses this sometimes derogatory phrase.

And no, it will not run video games on it.

What is PC?


The combination of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, is regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage.

What is intersectionality?


She said “To say Latino is to say you come to my culture in a manner of respect"

Who is Sandra Cisneros?


The main purpose of the label 'LatinX'

What is degenderization? What is nonbinary?


The label 'Hispanic' recalls the colonization by these two countries

What are Spain and Portugal?