Adding/Subtracting Fractions
Adding/Subtracting Decimals
Multiplying Fractions
Place Value

The difference of 3/4 and 1/4 is...

What is 1?


The difference between 4 and 1.09 is...

What is 2.91?


What is 5/6 of 12? Does the product get bigger or smaller?

What is 10 and smaller?


This place value is 1/100 of the hundreds place..

What is the ones place?


34.678 in expanded form.

What is 30 + 4 + 6/10 + 7/100 + 8/1000?


Aniyah read 3/4 of a book Sunday morning. She then picked up the book later in the evening and read 1/12 of the book. How much of the book did she read altogether on Sunday?

What is 5/6?


On a farm, the farmer harvested 30.7 crates of apples and 27.9 crates of oranges. How much more crates of apples are harvested?

What is 58.6 crates?


1/3 of 3 and 3/9 ? Does the product get bigger or smaller?

What is 1 and 1/9 and smaller?


This place value is 1/10 of the value of the hundredths place..

What is the thousandths place?


What is 1,000 + 200 + 80 + 9 + 2/10 + 1/100?


5/8 of the staff are male. 5/12 of the staff works part time at the aquarium.The fraction of the staff that are women are...

What is 3/8?

The distance between the farm and downtown is 14.8 km, and the distance between the farm and farmer's market is 18.4 km. Is the farm closer to downtown or the farmer’s market?

What is closer to downtown?


There was 5/8 of a pie left in the fridge. Daniel ate 1/4 of the leftover pie. How much of a pie did he have?

What is 1/8 of pie leftover?


This place value is 100 times the value of the tens place.

What is the thousands place?


0.234 in expanded form.

What is 2/10 + 3/100 + 4/1000?


The sharks are fed three times a day. During the morning feeding, 2/15 of a ton of fish is fed. During the afternoon feeding, the weight of fish fed will be 1/15 of a ton more than the fish fed during the morning. If the total weight of fish fed in a day is 1/2 of a ton, how much is fed during the feeding at night?

What is 3/10?


The birch tree outside the farm is 3.5 meters tall. The pine tree is 5.4 meters tall. The maple tree is 1.112 meter taller than the birch tree. How much taller is the pine tree compared to the maple tree?

What is 0.788?


Olivia took out 8 glasses and poured juice from the pitcher. The capacity of each glass is 3/10 liter. If there was enough juice for 6 glasses, how much juice was there?

What is 1 and 4/5 liters of juice?


This place value is 1000 times the value of the thousandths place.

What is the ones place?


The quotient of 12 and 0.6?

What is 20?


A baby otter was born 3/4 of a month early. At birth, its weight was 7/8 kilograms, which is 9/10 kilogram less than the average weight of newborn otter in the aquarium.The average weight of a newborn otter is...

What is 1 31/40?


Farmer Joe uses 9.5 bags of fertilizer for the pumpkin field. He uses 0.7 more bags of fertilizers for the tomato field. Compared to the tomato field, he uses 1.3 less bags of fertilizers for the cabbage field. How many bags of fertilizers does he uses for the cabbage field?

What is 8.9 bags of fertiziler?


There are 7/8 kilograms of salt in the kitchen. Mrs. Jackson used 2/15 of the salt when she was preparing dinner. How much salt did she use?

What is 7/60 of a kg of salt?


What number has a 4 that is 1/10 the value of the 4 in 14.37?

Answers will vary...


The product of 1.23 and 2.1.

What is 25.83?