General Knowledge
General Knowledge
General Knowledge
General Knowledge
General Knowledge

What is the full form of GWX?

Global Wellness Experience


What were the start and end dates of the program for 2023

January 15 2023 and Feb 19 2023

January 19 2023 and Feb 19 2023

January 6 2023 and Feb 19 2023

January 19 2023 and Feb 19 2023

January 15 2023 and Feb 19 2023


When did registration begin for 2023? 

Dec 12 2022

Dec 28 2022

Jan 1 2023

Jan 8 2023

December 12 2022


What are the 5 pillars of the program?

Cardio, Emotional/Mental, Financial, Dietary, Social


What is the duration of the program for 2023

5 weeks 

Global Wellness Experience lasts five weeks, from Sunday, January 15 to Sunday, February 19, 2023. Each week offers a new experience and a new goal to achieve. You will have the opportunity to participate in both the traditional step challenge (using the mobile app) and enhanced holistic wellness content offerings


When did the program originally start annually?







Which team started the program?







Was there a mobile App this year to track steps in 2023?



What was the eligibility of recognition for this year's program?

To successfully finish the GWX, a challenger needs to complete minimum 3 of 11 available activities for the individual programs each week. For step challenge, the top 5% on the induvial steps leaderboard would enter the raffle for additional prizes


How are activities tracked this year?

Self reporting through Quickbase


Which week was Cardio Wellness?

Week 1

Week 2

Week 5

Week 3

Week 1


Which week was Emotional and Mental Wellness?

Week 1

Week 4

Week 5

Week 2

Week 2


Which week was Financial Wellness?

Week 3

Week 4

Week 6

Week 1

Week 3 Financial Wellness -  Some of the activities that GWX challengers can look forward to for this week are creating a budget, completing a "financial wellness checkup", and learning through financial podcasts 


Which week was Dietary Wellness?

Week 1

Week 4

Week 5

Week 2

Week 4 Dietary Wellness - Some of the activities that GWX challengers can look forward to this week are increasing fruit and vegetable intake, drinking more water, and preparing delicious homemade meals


Which week was Social Wellness?

Week 6

Week 1

Week 2

Week 5

Week 5 Social Wellness - GWX challengers could use this week to meet new NCR colleagues, volunteer in their local communities, and set aside time to learn a new language.


Name one activity that was listed in Cardio Wellness Week?

1. Take 10,000 steps a day, 5x per week (make sure to install the mobile app for the step count; instructions below)

2. Complete three sets of 15 sit-ups, 3x per week

3. Complete three sets of 10 pushups, 3x per week

4. Walk for 10 minutes 3x a day, 3x per week

5. Walk for 15 minutes on the stair master, 3x per week 6. Bike for at least 30 minutes a day, 3x per week

7. Attend a free training session/ fitness class by yourself or with a friend 

  • Does your New Year's resolution include going to the gym? Now's the time! Visit a nearby gym and complete a free trial first class. Or, you can simply get together with a friend or family member and have your own workout session. It is important that you stay active. You can do it!

8. Take an online HIIT (high-intensity interval training) class, a 30-minute total body strength and cardio workout, powered by EXOS

  • Exercise any time with our on-demand HIIT class videos (once you click, scroll down to the GWX Fitness On Demand section)
  • GHQ challengers: Join a live HIIT class on Thursday, January 19, 12-12:45 p.m. at GHQ (the Machine)

9. Take an online yoga class, a 35-minute mind and body moving, powered by EXOS

  • Access a 35-minute, mind and body yoga class video (once you click, scroll down to the GWX Fitness On Demand section)

10. Take an online desk-based office yoga and stretching class, powered by Desk Yogi

  • Learn simple yoga and stretching exercises you can complete on your lunch break! Practice basic stretches and exercises that help you improve your posture, strengthen your muscles and joints, increase blood flow and keep you feeling strong and energetic throughout the day. 
  • Click here to access the yoga and stretching class video at any time on NCRU

11. Attend a weekly onsite or virtual wellness event. 

  • Your Site Engagement Leader (SEL) will inform you if any local GWX activity is available in your country. 
  • Reach out to your Site Engagement Leader (SEL) for any local GWX initiative you may have. The list of SELs is available here. 

Name one activity that was listed in Social Wellness Week?

  1. Reach out to three new NCR coworkers and learn something about them
  2. Reach out to three people per day, over 5 days, that you haven't spoken with over the last three months
  3. Volunteer in your local community or join the volunteer opportunities through NCR's Business Resource Groups
  4. Join a new organization outside of NCR whose cause inspires you I You can also use the Meetup app to find upcoming events and keep connected to your community
  5. Post on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn and share #NCRlife at least 3x per week
  6. Attend a social event: networking event, place of worship, group fitness class, bar, sports clubs, community event, etc.
  7. Have 30 minutes of "You" time, 5x per week, to do something that you are passionate about – whether it is a craft, an exercise, reading, or writing
  8. Practice a new language 15 minutes a day, 5x per week

    • Recommend your colleagues a free app to download to start learning a new language today
    • It is always good for business if somebody around the company can speak more than one language – learning a second language helps with other health benefits including but not limited to: reducing risks of early dementia, improving focus, problem-solving skills, memory, boosting attention to details
  9. Refresh your workplace social skills I Click here to take an online course at NCRU 
  10. Learn some new ways to start interactions, attune to your counterpart, share more of yourself, follow up after a meeting or conversation, and more I Click here to take an online course at NCRU
  11. Attend a weekly onsite or virtual wellness event

    • Your Site Engagement Leader (SEL) will inform you if any local GWX activity is available in your country.
    • Reach out to your Site Engagement Leader (SEL) for any local GWX initiative you may have. The list of SELs is available here.

Name one activity that was listed in Dietary Wellness Week?

  1. Consume at least three servings of vegetables a day, 5x per week 
  2. Consume at least two servings of whole fruit a day, 5x per week  
  3. Consume at least two servings of protein a day, 5x per week 
  4. Consume a gallon of water per day, 7x a week 
  5. Substitute one sugary drink for a healthier alternative, 3x per week -
  6. Set a personal goal to limit caffeine intake for the week  
  7. Replace processed food with whole foods for the day  
  8. Make a healthy homemade lunch, 3x per week I Try these 10 quick and healthy homemade lunches
  9. Complete this Five-step Nutrition program
  10. Learn to integrate mindful eating habits into your daily life I Click here to access the online free class at any time
  11.  Attend a weekly onsite or virtual wellness event

    • Your Site Engagement Leader (SEL) will inform you if any local GWX activity is available in your country.
    • Reach out to your Site Engagement Leader (SEL) for any local GWX initiative you may have. The list of SELs is available here.

Name one activity that was listed in Emotional and Mental Wellness Week?

1. Meditate for 5 minutes a day, 5x per week

2. Write daily affirmations in a journal (gratitude journal), 7x per week 

3. Spend at least 15 minutes a day in natural sunlight, 3x per week  

4. Complete three minutes of deep breathing exercises, 3x per week

5. Perform at least one act of kindness per day, 7x per week

6. Read at least 10 pages of a book or one new article per day, 7x per week 

7. Get a minimum of seven hours of sleep 4x per week; this guide to healthy sleep may help you

8. Utilize free online confidential counseling within the global Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

  • EAP offers 24/7 access to live phone support on your mental wellbeing, crisis and stress management, work-life balance as well as free wellbeing resources

9. Take an online course about the importance of mental health awareness in the work environment I Click here to access the online course led by psychologist Karen Doll 

10. Learn different meditation techniques to improve concentration, reduce stress, and cultivate a more positive outlook I Click here to access the online session led by neuropsychologist Rick Hanson, PhD, and neurologist Richard Mendius, MD

11. Attend a weekly onsite or virtual wellness event

  • Your Site Engagement Leader (SEL) will inform you if any local GWX activity is available in your country.
  • Reach out to your Site Engagement Leader (SEL) for any local GWX initiative you may have. The list of SELs is available here.

Name one activity that was listed in Financial Wellness Week?

  1. Review a monthly financial budget by using this Budget planning spreadsheet from Truist Financial Corporation 
  2. Listen to a personal finance podcast of your choice for at least 30 min a day, 5x per week
  3. Prepare at least five meals at home for the week instead of ordering out
  4. Take an online class about how to manage your personal finances I Click here to access the free class on NCRU
  5. Learn step-by-step techniques to eliminate debt, build a good credit score, and generate passive income I Click here to access the free online class on NCRU
  6. Watch a financial wellness session with financial therapist Amanda Clayman as she discusses how to build good financial habits I Click here to access the class on NCRU
  7. Read these tips on how to improve your finances and implement at least two of the suggested 
  8. Learn here and try the best strategies for simplifying your financial life
  9. Attend a weekly onsite or virtual wellness event

    • Your Site Engagement Leader (SEL) will inform you if any local GWX activity is available in your country.
    • Reach out to your Site Engagement Leader (SEL) for any local GWX initiative you may have. The list of SELs is available here.

U.S. employees >> Utilize free resources from the U.S. benefits provider Fidelity in the next two activities. You will need to log into your Fidelity account:

9. Compare your spending and savings following these savings and spending check-up guidelines I This article 50/15/5: An Easy Trick for Saving and Spending might be helpful as well

10. Review these retirement plan suggestions to prepare for retirement and go beyond