Central Idea
Key Individuals ,Events, and Ideas
Compare and Contrast
Tracing and evaluating a claim

What is the Central Idea?

The main point of the text


Is this pasaage mostly about key individuals, ecents or ideas?


Once they were in France, the Germans attempted to seize the main forts along the Maginot Line. They were not successful. The forts had proved to be strong, but they failed to hold back the Germans. The Germans had taken Paris, France's capital city. Soon after the French commander ordered his men to stand down. He commanded the French defenders to leave their bases along the Maginot Line. These soldiers were then taken to POW camps.

Key Individuals


What means the same as compare and contrast?

Similar and Different


What do you call your position on a topic?



A brief account of the main points of a text



What is the central idea of the text below?

It takes a lot of trucks to get an airplane ready to fly. Fuel trucks are very important. They fill the fuel tanks of planes. Baggage trucks carry people’s suitcases to and from planes. Still other trucks deliver food.You might also see mail trucks and cargo trucks. Also standing by at airports are repair trucks.


A.airplanes are like trucks

B. some trucks carry food

C. how trucks help planes

C. how trucks help planes


Where does the writer typically introduce the idea, event, or key individual?

at the beginning of a text or at the beginning of a paragraph


What is one thing you can use to visualize similarities and differences?

Charts/graphs/ or diagrams


Information from the text used to support a reason



An objective summary should be free of 



A central idea should not be supported by details from the text.?
True or False



How does the author introduce the idea that he is fond of his Uncle?



Jack was especially fond of Uncle Sigmund, his father's younger brother, who was only seventeen when Jack was born. "Uncle Sig looked older than he was because he had lost most of his hair due to a childhood illness," Jack recalled.

A. The author explains how Jack's Uncle treats him

B. The author reveals strange details about Jack's Uncle

C. The author describes how Jack's Uncle looks

C. The author describes how Jack's Uncle looks


Is the text below making a comparison or contrasting?



Possibly, the best way to look at these two careers is to take a look at their accolades and accomplishments . Michael Jordan has 6 championships as opposed to Lebron James’ 4 championships. Jordan has 6 final MVPs while LeBron has 4. MJ has 10 scoring titles to Lebron’s 1 scoring title. Michael Jordan has 5 MVPs, while LeBron has 4. Michael Jordan is also the only one of the two to win Defensive Player of the Year (winning it in 1988).



What is the claim in the paragraph below?

A growing number of researchers are learning the benefits of bamboo. It can be used instead of wood for paper. Beautiful green stalks set this plant apart from others. Bamboo is the perfect alternative to traditional wood. New laws should be created to enforce the use of bamboo instead of wood in paper products.

A growing number of researchers are learning the benefits of bamboo


reasons, examples, facts, steps, or other kinds of evidence that explain the Central Idea

Supporting details/Key details


What clues can  help you determine the central idea

Repeating words, repeating ideas, repeating phrases, or titles


How does the author introduce the idea that environments around deep-sea vents exist (in the paragraphs)?


Imagine a place where rock “chimneys” as tall as buildings belch black smoky water hot enough to fry an egg. Just a few inches away, giant tubeworms gently sway to and fro, clams as big as footballs wedge themselves among the rocks, and blind crabs scurry about in search of food. • This might sound like the opening of a science fiction novel, but it isn’t. Such a place does exist right here on Earth.


A.The author is describing  an unbelievable underwater scene

B.The author lists the wide variety of creatures that live in the ocean

C. The author reveals the extreme temperatures present near the ocean floor

D.The author explains the underwater setting of a movie.

A.The author is describing  an unbelievable underwater scene


Is the text below making a compairison on contrasting?


 To achieve racial equality, Martin Luther King believed non-violent resistance was the key to ending all violence and racial hatred, in order to eventually achieve equality between races. These non-violent tactics were evident during peaceful protests such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott 1955.

Malcolm X on the other hand, believed that non-violent methods were too slow to achieve progress and signified weakness. He strongly believed in black pride and that African Americans should achieve their goals “by any means necessary”, advocating black militancy both as a form of self-defence and defiance against white aggression. 



Identify the reason that supports the claim in the paragraph below

Everyone wants to live in a clean environment. This is something that all humans and animals deserve. According to a National poll, 87% of people in the U.S., believe its a human right to live in a clean environment.  Therefore, everyone should recycle. All paper, plastic, and also bottles should be put into recycling bins. Anyone that does not do this should pay a fine.

This is something that all humans and animals deserve.


What does it mean to elaborate?

to explain in detail


Which sentence states the central idea of th passage?


 1.Homographs and homonyms have different definitions.2. Homophones are words that sound the same, but are spelled differently and have different meanings. 3.Homographs are words that are spelled the same, but are not pronounced the same way. 4.When two homographs are also homophones, they are called homonyms: word pairs that are spelled the same and pronounced the same way. 5.You can remember homographs by remembering that "graph" means to write, as in autograph. 6.You can remember homophones by remembering that "phone" means sound, as in telephone.

Sentence 1


All of the following are ways that a writer introduces an idea, event, or individual EXCEPT:








Is the text below making a comparison or contrasting?


Canada and United States are two of the largest countries in the world. They are friendly neighbor states and share a large border. The worlds largest waterfall, Niagara Falls, is also on the border of the two countries.



What is the information that supports a claim?



Evidence can be an eye witness account? 

True or False
