Must Knows
Scenarios Easy
Scenarios Hard
5-6 Word Basic

The motion to put business aside to either a later date or indeffently. This needs a second and a majority vote to be passed. HINT: We do this during our last meeting to get straight to the end of the year party.

What is Lay of the Table


The president would like to end the meeting ,but would like to in a formal way.

What is a motion to adjournment


A motion that has been brought forward is either not something that needs to be talked about or the assembly doesn't have enough information about then you can

What is move to Lay on the Table


The president would like to end the meeting but would like to in a formal way.

What is a motion to adjournment


A way to move something to the group for formal business 

What is a Motion 


This is a motion to end the meeting and is the final step of a formal meeting 

What is adjurnment 


Someone brings up a funding request and you would like to change it in any way what motion would you use?

What is a motion to amend 


A motion is brought to the assembly, but most of the assembly knows nothing about it, but maybe a committee or member may know more than others and you would like to give them the spotlight.

What is Move to refer to or to refer to committee


Taking from the table needs what kind of vote?

HINT: Majortiy or 2/3

What is Majority 


Every Motion needs one of these to be to the group as business.

What is a Second 


This is a motion to bring someone forward during something like a election process. Nothing is need for this unless context is use 

What is to Nominate 


A debate is going on for a long time and no further evidence have come to the conversation in a while

What is move to previous question


The assembly passes something that you think should have been thought about more what motion would you use?

What is the motion to reconsider? (Needs a second, a majority vote and then discussed)


What type of vote is needed to pass a change on the RHA constitution?

What is 2/3


The number of people needed to process with a formal business assembly 

What is Qurom 


A motion to end a discusion and move straight to voting on the motion PREVIOUS. needs a second and 2/3 vote.

What is a call to previous questions 


I a formal debate someone talks out of turn and is not following Roberts Rules of Order

What is Point of Order 


When a vote is unclear and a second vote may be needed what motion should you call?

What is a division (Must need a second)


What kind of vote is needed for a Point of Order

What is none


The motion to change something about a motion which must be decused and voted on

What is an Amend/Amendments 


The motion to bring something up that was tabled from another meeting.Needs a second, can be debated and needs a majority vote.

What is Take from the table


Everyone is getting restless and nothing is being taken seriously we may need a break

What is move to recess 


Something that was brought up formally has nothing to do with the assembly and is out of our power what motion would you use to remove it permanently?

What is to postpone definitely (Needs a second can be debated if needed and needs a majority vote)


Who can break tie-breaker votes in the case of one

Who is the President 


Many motions like adjournment and approval of meeting minutes need this. 

What is Consent