Your dating partner demands you show your phone whenever you get a text.

Abusive. This shows a lack of trust and is a form of cyber abuse.


Your dating partner reassures you through their actions and words.

Healthy. This is a sign that your dating partner is supportive, and makes you feel safe, comfortable, and respected.


Your dating partner compares you to exes or other people.

Unhealthy. It's never a good feeling to be compared to others, and a dating partner that does this may try to coerce someone into being intimate when they don't want to (i.e., "my last dating partner did this, why won't you?").


Your dating partner makes you feel scared.

Unhealthy. We should feel safe in a dating relationship. Being made to feel scared is a form of mental abuse, and can lead to anxiety and other issues.


Your dating partner wants you  to meet their friends.

Healthy. This means they want you to be a part of their life. It can also help build trust when you hang out with your friends (and your dating partner doesn't get jealous, angry, or suspicious).


Your dating partner blows up your phone and gets angry when you don’t respond quick enough.

Unhealthy. This is a form of isolation, and makes it harder to spend time away from a dating partner without them getting angry or controlling how we spend our time.


Your dating partner makes you feel safe when you’re together.

Healthy. It's important to be in non-violent relationships, where we feel safe, comforted, and our boundaries are respected. Safety can be physical, emotional, as well as mental.


Your dating partner supports your choices and doesn’t make you feel bad about your past.

Healthy. It's great to be supported by our loved ones, and to have our past choices respected and supported (not questioned or insulted).


Your dating partner gets angry easily and never forgives.

Unhealthy. This could be a sign that they're willing to use their anger against others. Being able to forgive is a sign that they're willing to work on problems without holding grudges or controlling their dating partner.


Your dating partner feels insecure about little things.

Both Healthy & Unhealthy. It really depends on how they use that insecurity. If they talk about their feelings and are open and honest, then it's okay. When a person feels insecure and uses that feeling to shame, blame, or make a partner feel controlled, that's very unhealthy.


Your dating partner gets jealous when you talk to other people.

Unhealthy. This shows a lack of trust, and makes it more likely that a dating partner will limit who we can spend time with, as well as make us feel bad for having other friendships. This can lead to being isolated from others.


Your dating partner isolates you from friends or family.

Abusive. It's important we can have time and space for friends, family, and even just ourselves. Cutting off a dating partner from others is called isolation, and is a form of mental abuse.


Your dating partner calls you names, belittles you, or makes you feel “less than.”

Abusive. This is a form of verbal / emotional abuse, and can leave long-lasting negative effects on a person's self-esteem.


Your dating partner trusts you when you’re not together.

Healthy. This shows that a dating partner will not control how you spend your time apart, because they have trust for you.


Your dating partner slams doors or smashes objects when frustrated.

Abusive. This is a sign of physical and mental abuse, and can be used as a way to intimidate, threaten, or make a dating partner feel afraid.


Your dating partner has different hobbies than you.

Healthy. It's okay to like different things, and gives us a chance to do the things we enjoy. When a partner supports our activities, it allows us to grow and feel independent.