Tricks of the Trade
Horizontal Launches
Level Playing Fields
Advanced Problems

The acceleration of a projectile in the vertical direction

What is 9.8m/s/s?


The formula that relates initial and final velocities, acceleration, and time.

What is v = vo + at?


The initial vertical velocity for a ball launched horizontally with a speed of 12m/s off of an 11.25m high platform.

What is 0m/s?


The height of a ball that is launched down a level field.

What is 0?


The reason advanced problems are advanced.

What is, "Nothing cancels; the math is more difficult."


The acceleration of a projectile in the horizontal direction.

What is 0m/s/s?


The equation that relates distance, initial velocity, and acceleration.

What is d = vot + 1/2at?


For a ball launched horizontally the term in the vertical distance equation that cancels.

What is voyt?

The term in the equation that cancels for a ball launched down a level playing field.

What is h?


The two vertical quantities which have the same sign in the following problem:

A ball is launched off of a tower that is 8m high.  It starts out with a horizontal velocity of 4m/s and a vertical velocity of 6m/s.  

What are acceleration and height?


The vertical and horizontal velocity of a projectile at the top of its path.

What is 0m/s and same as initial velocity, respectively?


The equation derived from the definition of average velocity.

What is d = vavgt ?


The distance (range) for a ball launched horizontally with a speed of 12m/s to reach the ground if it takes 4s to reach the ground

What is 48m?


The hang time of a ball that is launched down a level playing field with an initial horizontal velocity of 12m/s and an initial vertical velocity of 15m/s.  

What is 3 sec?


How long does it take for the ball to reach the ground in the set up below:

A ball is launched off of a tower that is 8m high.  It starts out with a horizontal velocity of 4m/s and a vertical velocity of 6m/s.  

What is 2 sec?


The type of problem where you need to pay particular attention to the signs of acceleration, velocity, and distances.

What are problems where the vertical velocity is upward?


The equation to calculate the average velocity based on the initial and final velocities

What is vavg = (v + vo)/2 ?


The time it will take for a ball launched horizontally with a speed of 12m/s to reach the ground if the platform it is launched is 11.25m high.

What is 1.5sec?


The range of a ball that is launched down a level playing field with an initial horizontal velocity of 12m/s and an initial vertical velocity of 15m/s.  

What is 36m?


How far does the ball travel from the tower to where it lands?:

A ball is launched off of a tower that is 8m high.  It starts out with a horizontal velocity of 4m/s and a vertical velocity of 6m/s. 

What is 8m?


The velocity of a ball that was thrown upward with a velocity of 12m/s, when it comes back to the same height.

What is 12m/s?


The equation that doesn't have time in it?

What is v2 = vo2 + 2ad


The initial height of a ball that is launched horizontally with a speed of 15m/s and that ball lands 5m away.  

What is 0.56m?


The maximum height of a ball that is launched down a level playing field with an initial horizontal velocity of 12m/s and an initial vertical velocity of 15m/s.  

What is 11.25m?


The number of buses a daredevil can clear as he jumps off a ramp.  His motorcycle leaves the ramp with a vertical speed of 22m/s and his horizontal speed is 38m/s.  The top of the ramp is aligned with the top of the bus.  Each bus is 20m long.  

What are 8 buses?