Where the Crawdads Sing
The Catcher in the Rye
The Kite Runner
The Importance of Being Earnest
A Raisin in the Sun

What do the townspeople of Barclay Cove call Kya?

Marsh Girl


What is the name of the last prep school Holden attends before being sent away?

Pencey Prep


Rahim Khan's one sentence that makes Amir return to Pakistan at the beginning of the book.

There's a way to be good again.


What genre is this play?

A satire


Who wrote the poem that Hansberry takes her title from?

Langston Hughes


Why does Kya drop out of school after the truant officer makes her go?

She is humiliated after the kids make fun of her for not knowing how to read. (DOG/GOD)


What does Holden call his the hunting hat he bought in the city that remind him of his brother?

His people shooting hat


Why does Amir think that Baba doesn't like him?

He thinks Baba blames him for his mother's death.


Where was Jack found as a baby?

In a bag at the train station


Which character doesn't believe in looking at the past and speaks badly about African history and spirituals?

George Murchison


How does Tate win Kya's trust before he becomes her friend?

He leaves feathers in a tree stump for her.


What does Holden do when his brother dies that almost gets him committed to the hospital?

He punches out the windows in the garage.


What present do Rahim Khan and Hassan give to Amir for his birthday?

A brand new copy of the Shanamah 


Which societal convention is Wilde criticizing through his depiction of the relationships between all the couples in the play?



How does Mama know that Ruth is considering getting an abortion?

Ruth slips and says "she" when talking about the doctor.

What gift does Kya give to Chase that he keeps until the day he dies?

The scallop shell necklace


Why specifically doesn't Holden go to Allie's funeral?  Where was he and why?

He is in the hospital for his busted up hand. 


A major symbol of Amir and Hassan's friendship

The pomegranate tree


How does Algernon find out about Ernest's true identity?

He finds his cigarette case with the inscription.


Which character makes Mama inadvertently feel bad about not trusting Walter with the money?

Ms. Johnson


What do the sheriff and deputy find as a major clue that ties Kya to the murder of Chase Andrews?

red wool fibers on his jacket that match a hat they find in her shack


At the end of the book, what is it that specifically triggers Holden's epiphany that he can't save kids from the cliff?

He watches Phoebe reach for the brass ring on the carousel. 
Some argue that these people (a married couple) were the only reason that Amir finally agreed to save Sohrab from the orphanage and bring him back to Pakistan. Who were they?

The Caldwells. 


Which mythological creature does Jack compare Aunt Augusta to because of the fear she inspires in him?

A Gorgon

How does Mama divide the 10,000 insurance check left to her after Big Walter's death?  (3 ways)

$3500 downpayment on the house

$3000 for Beneatha's school (to be put in the bank)

$3500 for Walter to manage as he sees fit