What does a COA Graphic and Narratives cossist of?
A visual depiction and written description of a COA. It clearly portrays how the organization will accomplish the mission, identify the who, what, when, where, how, and why.
Areas where activity, or lack of activity, will indicate which COA the adversary has adopted.
What is the fifth step of COA development?
Identify HVTs for each COA.
Areas where the enemy commander has to make a decision regarding the movement of forces to achieve the desired objectives and end state associated with the COA.
What is the difference between an event template and a situation template.
Event template depicts enemy decision points and named areas of interest and the addition of the event Matrix.
What is the third step of COA development?
Evaluate and prioritize each threat/adversary COA.
What six quetion's should a completed course of action answer
Who, What, When, Where, Why and How
What are the three products that consist of an adversary COA
Situation Template, HVTs/HVTL, COA Statement
What is the fourth step of COA development?
Develop each COA in the amount of detail time allows.
What is the desired end state of Step 4? (3 parts)
The development of graphic overlays (enemy situation templates) and narratives (enemy COA statements) for each possible enemy COA that has been identified.
What are the FIVE criteria of an adversary COA
Suitable, Feasible, Acceptable, Complete, Distinguishable.
What is the 2nd step of COA development?
Identify the full set of of COAs available to the adversary.
Define the purpose of a Situation Template.
To show adversary dispositions based on the effects of the battlespace and the pursuit of a particular COA.
What is the purpose of an Event Template
Graphic overlay used to confirm or deny enemy COAs. The event template is used as a guide during the COA Analysis step of MCPP to describe enemy actions throughout wargaming.
What is the sixth and first step of COA development?
6. Identify initial collection requirements for each COA.
1. Identify likely objectives and end state.