Newton's first law
Newton's second law
Newton's third law
Newton's laws in everyday life

Inertia, an object in motion will stay in motion and an object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force.

What is Newton's first law?


Force = Mass * Acceleration.

What is Newton's second law?


For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

What is Newton's third law?


How does pushing a baby in a stroller demonstrate Newton's first law?

What is the stroller is at rest and wants to remain at rest until you apply an unbalanced force to change its state of motion.


A force that opposes the motion of an object.

What is Friction?


If the forces on an object at rest are ______ the object will stay at rest.

What is balanced?


If mass remains the same and the force increases what happens to the acceleration?

What is the acceleration will increase?


If you drop a ball, gravity pulls the ball toward the ground.  That is the action force. 

True or false: The reaction force is the ball pulling up on earth with exactly the same force.

What is true?


A ball is rolling down a hill.  Explain how that demonstrates Newton's first law.

What is the ball is going to continue in motion until acted on by a unbalanced force (friction)?


A hockey puck slides much more easily on an icy surface than a grassy one because there is _____ friction to oppose it's motion.

What is less?


As ____ increases Inertia increases.

What is Mass?


If the mass increases and the force remains the same what happens to the acceleration?

What is the acceleration will decrease?


Balanced forces act on the same object. Reactive force pairs act on two ________ objects.

What is different?


Your bowling with your friend. He is using a 12lb ball while you are using a 8lb ball.  Both bowling balls have the same acceleration. Which bowling ball has the most force?

What is the ball with the bigger mass? Newton's second law Force= Mass * Acceleration.


It is easier to run on grass then ice because.

What is grass has more friction.  When we walk, our feet provide backward forces on the ground, which propels us forward?


If the forces on a moving object are______ the object will continue moving in the same direction at the same speed.

What is balanced?


If two objects have different masses, but the same force, then the object with the lower mass will have ______ acceleration?

What is greater?


When you push against a solid wall, why doesn't your hand go right through.

What is the wall is pushing back?  The wall is pushing back with the exact same amount of force.  The wall resists your pushing force, preventing you from pushing right through the wall.


You're sitting on a swing.  This is the force that the chain applies that resists gravity.

What is tension force?


Soccer cleats provide (more or less) friction between our feet and the ground.

What is more?


The reason why when you're driving in a car and the driver steps on the break you continue to move forward.

What is Inertia?

Wear your seatbelt!!


If you have two stones for your catapult with a mass of 1,000 kg and 500 kg which one would be more likely to fly over the castle wall when fired. Explain.

What is the 500 kg stone because the force of the catapult is constant so the 500 kg stone will travel farther?


What are the force pairs when you turn the fan on that is attached to the fan car.

What is the fan pushing on the air and the air pushing back causing the fan car to move forward?


You're skiing down a hill and you collide with a tree. You bounce off before coming to a stop. Describe the forces involved with the collision.

What is Newton's third law. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  You strike the tree and the tree strikes back.


What would happen if you threw a ball in space.

What is the ball would keep going in the same direction at the same speed forever until it ran into something because the are no air molecules to create a frictional force against the ball?