Central Idea
Fig Lang
Text Structure & Author Methods
Summarizing and Miscellaneous

What does the word "infer" mean? (Think: What does it mean to make an inference?)

To make an educated guess based on facts and observations.


What is the definition of central idea?

What a (non-fiction/true) text is mostly about.


"Petzer thought, 'Let's put water inside the wheel!' And the Hippo Water Roller was born."

What type of figurative language is used in "And the Hippo Water Roller was born"?

A. Simile

B. Hyperbole

C. Personification

D. Allusion

C. Personification (An item given the human quality of being born!)


What type of text structure is being used when an author presents a problem and solutions?

Problem/Solution Text Structure


What is a summary?

A 3-5 sentence brief description of something you read.


"Many people struggle to live without water, an essential resource."

What is the meaning of essential?

A. Necessary

B. Struggle

C. Safe

D. Problem

A. Necessary


How are central idea and main idea SIMILAR?

Both have the same definition: What a text is mostly about.


"With the Hippo Roller, women and children are collecting more than just water; they are also collecting time."

Which type of figurative language is used in the phrase "they are also collecting time"?

A. Metaphor

B. Hyperbole

C. Personification

D. Allusion

A. Metaphor (Think: You can't LITERALLY collect time. It's "like" they are collecting time as they get water.)


What author method is a reference to a famous text, person, or event?



True or False: The central idea/ main idea should be included in a summary?



"This takes up precious time that could be used for more important activities."

What does the word precious mean in this sentence?

A. Expensive

B. Picky

C. Loved

D. Rare

D. Rare


How are central idea and main idea DIFFERENT?

Central idea is for non-fiction (true) texts and main idea is for fiction (made-up) texts.


"The classroom was a zoo!"

Which type of figurative language is used in this sentence?

A. Simile

B. Metaphor

C. Personification

D. Allusion

B. Metaphor (Comparing the class to a zoo without using "like" or "as")


Which author method includes putting a series of events in order?

Sequential or chronological order

What is the theme of a story?

The message or lesson the author wants you to learn after reading the text.


"This not only takes up precious time that could be used for more important activities, but it causes neck and spine damage besides being exhausting."

Why would the author use the word precious instead of valuable?

A. It suggests the idea that time is only limited.

B. It suggests the idea that time has only monetary ($) value.

C. It suggests the idea that time has both personal and monetary ($) value.

D. It suggests the idea that time is both limited and has personal value.

D. It suggests the idea that time is both limited and has personal value.


True or False: The central idea should be a short statement including the most important details to show what the text is about.



Her hair was as wild and crazy as a lion's mane.

Which type of figurative language is used in this sentence?

A. Simile

B. Metaphor

C. Personification

D. Allusion

A. Simile (Comparing using "like" or "as")


What author method is the actual words spoken by an individual to another (quotation marks)?



What are the two vocabulary strategies you should use when trying to find the meaning of an unknown word?

1. "Plug and Chug"

2. Use your context Clues 


"I was left with a healthy dose of skepticism. Gradually the witches and wizards didn't seem as frightening or powerful..."

What does the word skepticism mean in this sentence?

A. belief

B. mistrust

C. certainty

D. bullying

B. mistrust


The central idea or main idea is usually located where in the text?

The beginning/ first few lines of the text.


Why do authors include figurative language in their writing? (What is the purpose of figurative language?)

(Answers May Vary)

1. To help paint a picture or express a feeling/thought

2. To help a reader relate to a situation


What author method is giving specific instances to illustrate an idea or concept?



What are the four types of character conflict?

Character vs. Self

Character vs. Character

Character vs. Nature

Character vs. Society