___ out of 100 teens report having serious depression.
Emeralds is a ___ place to talk about things impacting girls today.
Who are Kappa Delta Chi's four founders
1. Cynthia Garza
2. Nellie Flores
3. Irene Montoya
4. Melissa Montoya
It is important to get how many hours of sleep?
8-10 hours each night
What is our Jewel
Nearly 1 in __ young women have mental illness.
When do we meet?
Every other Tuesdays from 3:10-4:30
What are our colors?
1. Maroon
2. Pink
Practice ___ management
___ health is just as important as mental health.
__ in 5 will get the help they need.
What do you need to join ?
A Permission slip signed by parents/guardian
What is our Flower?
Build a network of friends who help your cope in a _____ way.
Hint: Think happy or the opposite of negative
Positive way
When was Kappa Delta Chi recongzied by WSU?
December 5th 2015
What percent of youth ages 13-18 live with a mental health condition.
1. Education
2. Cultural Awareness
3. Mental and physical health
4. Any topics and questions the groups want to learn.
The topics above will be
What is being talked about during Emeralds
What is our Mascot
Decrease ____ self-talk and believe in yourself more.
What module involved us painting?
Confidence Module
What are 4 Things parents can do for their child that is suffering mental health issues.
1. Talk with your pediatrician
2. Get a referral to a mental health specialist.
3. Work with the school
4. Connect with other families
Goals associated with the Emeralds program.
1. Confidence
2. Trust
3. Safe space to ask questions
Founded on
April 6th 1987
Take a ____ from stressful situations.
Break!! but responsibly
Last week what activity did you guys do as a team and finished quickly?
Human Knot