Text Features
Elements of Fiction
Figurative Language, Imagery, Tone, and Mood
Organizational Patterns
Facts/Opinions, Bias, Source, and Viewpoint

 What is the purpose of bold text in a text?

To highlight important keywords or ideas.


What is the setting of a story?

The time and place where the story takes place.


What is an example of simile?

"She's as sweet as sugar" or "The wind whispered like a ghost through the trees."


What is the purpose of using chronological order in an essay or story?

To present events or ideas in the order they occurred or were discovered.


What is a fact?

Something that is objectively true or can be proven.


What is the purpose of a table of contents?

To give readers an overview of the sections or chapters in the book and where specific topics are located.


What is the climax of a story?

The highest point of tension or conflict in the story where the main character's fate hangs in the balance.


What is imagery in literature?

The use of descriptive language to create a vivid picture in the reader's mind.


What is cause and effect organizational pattern?

It explains the relationship between actions and their consequences.


What is an opinion?

A statement of personal belief or feeling that cannot be proven true or false.


What is an index?

A list of important topics or keywords in a book along with the page numbers where they can be found.


What is the difference between a protagonist and an antagonist?

The protagonist is the main character who faces a conflict, while the antagonist is the character or force that opposes the protagonist. 


What is tone in literature?

The author's attitude towards the subject matter or audience.


What is comparison and contrast organizational pattern?

 It shows similarities and differences between two or more topics.


What is bias in writing or research?

When an author has a preexisting preference or prejudice towards a topic that may affect their ability to be objective or fair in their writing or research.


What is the purpose of a glossary?

A list of key terms found in a book and their definitions.


What is the difference between a round character and a flat character?

A round character is well-developed with many traits and complexities, while a flat character is one-dimensional and usually serves a minor role in the story.


What is the mood in literature?

The emotional atmosphere or feeling created by the story.


What is a problem-solution organizational pattern?

It identifies a problem and proposes one or more solutions to solve it.


 What is a primary source?

First-hand accounts or original documents from the time period being studied or researched.


 What is the purpose of a footnote in a research paper?

A footnote is added to a research paper to provide extra details or clear up confusion on a point. It cites the source of the information used.

What is foreshadowing in literature?

When the author gives hints or clues about events that will happen later in the story.


 What is an example of metaphor?

"Life is a journey" or "The world is a stage."


What is spatial organizational pattern?

It arranges information according to how it's physically laid out or located in space.


What is the difference between a biased source and an unbiased source?

A biased source has an agenda or slant towards a particular viewpoint or perspective, while an unbiased source presents information objectively.