a part-time job where an employee specifically works on Saturdays and Sundays
weekend job
to give somebody a job
to employ/to hire
the pay you receive
a salary/wage
John got the boot for being lazy
was fired
is the probability that an individual will keep their job
job security
a form of employment that carries fewer hours per week than a full-time job
part-time job
to end somebody's work contract
to fire/to lay off
a plus added to your wage or working conditions
a bonus
The merger was a win-win situation.
a situation where all parties involved win
happening or produced every two weeks
only available in Winter, Summer or a specific time of the year
a seasonal job
to get a higher job position
to get a promotion
to receive an increase in your wage
to get a raise
The perks of the job are clear.
a period of time during which someone works for a company or organization in order to get experience of a particular type of work
(pasantÃa / prácticas)
are those that involve a greater degree of physically-taxing or manual labor. (ex: farmers, mechanics, power plant operators, and electricians)
Blue-collar jobs
to work more than your agreed schedule
to work overtime
extra money you get upon closing a deal/reaching an objective
a commission
When I was an intern, my boss took me under her wing and showed me everything.
was my mentor/ to help, teach, or take care of (someone who is younger or has less experience)
to end your working life at the require legal age and receive a pension
someone who works on different projects with different companies instead of being a company employee
to quit your job
to resign
a note given to an employee when they have been paid, detailing the amount of pay given, and the tax and insurance deducted
a payslip/paycheck
I need to go up the corporate ladder.
to advance in my profession/progress inside an organization from the basic level to the top level through promotions
You ____ money working.
You ____ money as a consequence of luck.