What does the word "Testament" mean in Hebrew?
Two Names of God other than Jesus
Adonai: “Lord”
YAHWEH: God’s relational name
Elohim: “Creator”
Abba: “Father”
What does AD and BC mean?
A.D. stands for anno domini Latin for "in the year of the lord"
B.C. stands for "before Christ"
What does the word "Inspire" mean?
The phrase “God-breathed” is translated from the Greek word, theopneustos, meaning God-breathed and, inspired by God.
what is the first step to reading the bible?
Who wrote the first five books of the bible?
The Word is ____
Name two kinds of findings Samuel used to back the things that took place in that time
Archeological and Historical Findings
Where does the OT say the bible was kept and preserved?
near the ark, the tabernacle & temple
What is the second step to reading the bible?
The old testament has how many books & prophecys about what?
39 books and phrophecys about the comming Messiah
Name two ways we can be filled and surrounded by truth
1. Be with God in His Word, Daily.
2. Be with God in Worship.
3. Be in Godly Community.
4. Be with God in Every Moment.
What three languages have the bible been translated from?
Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic.
What three areas of the world are the authors of the bible said to be from?
Europe, Asia and Africa
What is the third step to reading the bible?
What are the first five books of the bible called?
Name 2 practical ways you can spend time with the Bible to build trust with it?
1. Pray and ask God the Holy Spirit
2. Read the Bible and meditate on it
What scrolls were discovered along the West Bank in Israel?
How much older were they than originally thought?
Dead Sea Scroll, 1000 years older than the oldest manuscript we had
How was the 10 Commandments written?
Moses took two stones to Mount Sinai, The lord told Moses to write on the stones, Moses was up there for 40 days & nights fasting
3 ways we approach reading scripture
1. Read Prayerfully
2. Read Patiently
3. Read with humility
The New Testament has how many books & teaches about what general idea?
27 books, reveals the Messiah that came, Jesus Christ, and His plan for Salvalvation, The Gospel
What does transmission mean?
ancient process of copying Hebrew (OT) and Greek (NT) manuscripts to preserve them for future generation and to distribute them for greater use.
What pool mentioned in John 5:1-2 did historians deny existing?
How was the OT transmitted?
the first 5 books; the Laws were copied by Kings & kept at the temple/ark. They got lost & found again during Josiah’s reign (2 Kings 22:8-23:3).
Once the history books, poetry, and the prophets were written and gathered, scribes began to copy the scriptures for use in various synagogues and for private purchase and study.
Use the 3 steps to read this bible verse " This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all."
1. Observation
2. Interpretation
3. Application