Figurative Language
Literary Terms

How should you punctuate the title of an article, poem, or other small work?

Quotation marks  


Explain the difference between a metaphor and a simile. 

Metaphor - A comparison between two unlike things without using like or as. 

Simile - A comparison between two unlike things using like or as. 


What does mood refer to in literature? 

How the reader feels about the passage 


What does it mean to cite?

To quote evidence from another source in order to support your argument or ideas 

To provide information on where you found your sources so that you don’t plagiarize 


Batman and the Joker are an example of… 

Protagonist and Antagonist 


Name 3 ways to fix a run-on sentence. 

Use a period and a capital letter to make 2 separate sentences

Use a semicolon to separate the 2 sentences

Use a comma and a conjunction to separate the 2 sentences


“The sun smiled down on them” is an example of…



“Once upon a time...” falls on which step of the plot diagram?



What does a topic sentence do? Where does it come in the paragraph? 

A topic sentence introduces the topic that is about to be discussed. 

It comes at the beginning of a body paragraph. 


Describe the difference between limited and omniscient point of view. 

Limited POV focuses on the thoughts and feelings of 1 character only. 

Omniscient POV switches between multiple characters’ perspectives. 


The following is an example of what type of sentence?

When you are finished, put your work in the tray. 

Complex sentence


Provide an example of alliteration. 

Sally sells sea shells at the sea shore.

 Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.



Draw a plot diagram on the board and label its 5 steps.


What is the controlling idea of an essay called? 

Thesis Statement/Claim


What is the setting of the novel To Kill a Mockingbird?

Maycomb, Alabama in the 1930s (Great Depression)  


Which form of two, too, or to correctly fits in the following sentence?

I would like to go with you ____.



List all 5 sensory details that help build imagery in a narrative.

Sight Smell Hearing Touch Taste


List and define the three persuasive appeals (EPL).

Ethos – persuades with ethics and trustworthiness (famous people)

Pathos – persuades with emotions (path to your heart)

Logos – persuades with logic (facts/statistics) 


Read the following sentence from an argumentative essay. This sentence is an example of what element of writing?

  • “Most Australians, so this argument goes, live in cities and never get to see these animals. It is claimed that marine parks allow the average Australian to appreciate our marine wildlife.”



Describe the difference between a round and a flat character. 

Round Character - multidimensional, has multiple sides to their personality, as complex as a real person

Flat Character - one dimensional, has only one main personality trait, too simple to be a real person


The following words are this part of speech:




Before sneaking into the Capulet’s party, Romeo says: “My mind misgives / Some consequence yet hanging in the stars / Shall bitterly begin his fearful date / With this night's revels, and expire the term / Of a despised life closed in my breast / By some vile forfeit of untimely death. / But he that hath the steerage of my course / Direct my sail.” (Shakespeare 1.4.113-120)
This is an example of which type of figurative language?



Explain the difference between direct and indirect characterization AND give an example of each that shows the difference between them.  

Direct characterization – directly describes the character’s personality/looks for the reader (He was tall.)

Indirect characterization – subtly hints at the character’s personality/looks (He nearly knocked his head on the door frame when he entered the room.) 


Read the following sentence from an argumentative essay. This sentence is an example of what element of writing?

“However, as the article states, dolphins, whales, and seals can be viewed in the wild at number of places on the Australian coast.”



Provide an example of AT LEAST 3 of the following types of conflict from the novel To Kill a Mockingbird.

  • Character vs. Character

  • Character vs. Nature

  • Character vs. Society

  • Character vs. Self 

Character vs. Character - when Bob Ewell spits in Atticus’s face

Character vs. Nature - when Miss Maudie’s house burns down

Character vs. Society - when the jury convicts Tom Robinson just because he’s black

Character vs. Self - when Sheriff Heck Tate is trying to decide whether to tell the town about Boo Radley saving the Finch children from Bob Ewell