This group of animals gives live birth to their young.
What is mammals?
This physical characteristic helps mammals stay warm.
What is fur (or hair)?
This behavior can be seen in an animal sitting on shells that will hatch.
What is laying eggs?
A piranha belongs to this group.
What is fish?
This group includes all animals with a backbone.
What is vertebrates?
This physical characteristic helps an animal stay warm, but it is not found on mammals.
What is feathers?
What behavior is common to all birds?
What is laying eggs?
The frog belongs to this group.
What is amphibian?
This group of animals lays eggs and has tough, dry skin.
What is reptiles?
This physical characteristic is found on fish and reptiles.
What is scales?
This group of animals always has the behavior "born in water"
What is fish?
This group has an exoskeleton and paired legs.
What is arthropod?
This group does not have a back bone.
What is invertebrates? (or arthropods)
This physical characteristic is found on amphibians.
What is moist skin? (no scales)
This group of animals almost always cares for its young.
The lizard belongs to this group.
What is reptiles?
This group of animals has segmented legs and a hard outer body.
What is arthropods?
This physical characteristic allows fish to breathe.
What is gills?
This behavior is common only to mammals, but is not giving live birth.
What is feeding young with milk?
Fish and birds both belong to this large group.
What is vertebrates?