(Fight Club, everything everywhere, the joker, now you see me, kings man, spider verse, whiplash, harry met sally, howls moving castle, kill bill)
This is wildly known as Gibby’s catchphrase
what is “GIBBAY”?
What is a dj‘s favorite sauce?
Name the person in this image
Harold <3
This is peppers occupation in the hit musical Mama Mia
What is bartender?
The instrument(‘s) Gabe is able to play
Bass, guitar, and (ukulele) extra points
Explain the context of the episode this this gibby clip is in.
its a prank that they want gibby to fall on sponsor.
They allegedly sold this food item in the vending machine.
what is pizza.
In a goofy movie this is the hit band that max lies to Roxane (AWOOGA) about knowing.
What his power line?
This is the instrument that Eddie famously plays in the original version of mama Mia
what is bagpipes?
This is the name of the ride Gabe went on that got him a free first class ticket to a nap with Mr.Carroll.
What is mission space?
The name Name any of gibby’s pets.
Grubbles (His Bulldog)
Sir licks-a-lot (his puppy)
Quackers (his duck)
This is wildly considered to be Drew’s catchphrase
What is “trust”
The Name the charecter that said this famous quote from “a Goofy Movie“ ”Uh-huh! MAx, look. It’s the Leaning tower of Cheese-a.“
Bobby Zimuruski
This is the name of the drink that pepper and Eddie shared during the Disney trip.
Flaming moe
Lots of people/person Gabe has kissed in the RMHS theatre program.
Kyle, and Nicky <3
This is gibby s from i Carly’s full name
Noah Munck
These are the chips that drew had eaten that definitly where not his.
Lays bbq chips i think…
The name of the person that took this photo
Sydney!!!! (She’s cool)
This is the grade that gabe most recently peed himself
what is 8th grade. (I hate my math teacher)
This is the name of Gibbys Girlfriend in the hit show ICarly
Gabe’s sexuality and pronouns.
what is strait with he/him pronouns?
Sing the first 2 lines of this song (bonus points if you do 4 lines)
If i were a ritch man with a million or two. Id live in a penthouse in a room with a view.
Famously pepper mentions a charecter that famously has sexual relation with his mother. This is the correct pronunciation of this name.
Oedipus “eh-duh-puhs”