5 People
Esperanza Rising
Literary Elements
Central Ideas/Theme

Which of the following best describes Eddie's final moments?

A. Abrupt/painless

B. Chaotic/Intense

C. Regretful/Apologetic

D. Vengeful/Enraged

B. Chaotic/Intense


31. Which of the following best embodies Esperanza’s strength and empowerment? 

  1. Esperanza’s accusation against Miguel of him not being strong enough

  2. Esperanza’s dependence upon Mama as a constant support 

  3. Esperanza’s decision to save Marta during the protest 

  4. Esperanza’s reluctance to give up the doll that her papa had given to her

3. Esperanza deciding to save Marta during the protest. 

 Which of the following instances best captures the literary element of foreshadowing in The Five People You Meet in Heaven?

  1. The cane Eddie uses for the rest of his days running the amusement park 

  2. The radio broadcasting the coming of World War II on Eddie’s 17th birthday   

  3. The fish Dominguez constantly tries to catch out of a small hole in the plank of Ruby Pier  

  4. The vivid descriptions of heaven upon Eddie’s arrival 

  • The radio broadcasting the coming of World War II on Eddie’s 17th birthday   


Which of the following best embodies Esperanza’s strength and empowerment? 

  1. Esperanza’s accusation against Miguel of him not being strong enough

  2. Esperanza’s dependence upon Mama as a constant support 

  3. Esperanza’s decision to save Marta during the protest 

  4. Esperanza’s reluctance to give up the doll that her papa had given to her

3. Decision to save Marta during protest


What literary device does the author repetitively use to reveal clues about Eddie's life? 

  1.  Personification

  2.  Metaphor

  3.  Simile

  4. Flashback

4. Flashback


 What is the lesson the Blue Man teaches Eddie? 

  1. Every life has a purpose, and all lives are connected

  2. Sacrifice is necessary for greater cause in life, even if we don’t understand it at first

  3. People should be nicer to one another, in order to prevent future tragedies from occurring

  4. Medicines and serums should be researched, especially before deciding to take treatment

2. Sacrifice is necessary for greater cause in life, even if we do not understand it at first. 


 What is the significance of Isabel wanting to earn the title of “Queen of May”? 

  1. The title would diminish discrimination and reward hard work 

  2. The title would allow the Ortegas to obtain better living conditions

  3. The title would permit Isabel to travel to Mexico to meet Abuelita 

  4. The title would grant Isabel new rights as an immigrant that she hadn’t experienced before

1. It would diminish discrimination and reward hard work. 


The best representation of internal conflict would be : 

  1. Eddie’s inability to forgive himself for his past mistakes

  2. Eddie’s inability to save his comrades during the war

  3. Eddie’s physical torture by his captors in the POW camp

  4. Eddie’s anger towards the captain after finding out what he had done

1. Eddie's inability to forgive himself for his past mistakes


What theme is represented by the zig zag pattern of Abuelita’s blanket? 

  1. Racism and ongoing discrimination

  2. Classism and the haves vs. the have nots

  3. The fine yarn used by Abuelita to begin the stitching 

  4. The ongoing ups and downs of life

4. The ongoing ups and downs of life


Pam Munoz Ryan wrote Esperanza Rising about who? 

Her grandmother


How was Eddie able to harness his background of growing up at Ruby Pier to come up with a successful escape plan?

  1. Eddie used his shooting game skills to fire a single bullet at the guards

  2. Eddie used his customer service skills to persuade the guards to let him and his crew go

  3. Eddie used his ride operating skills to rewire the electric lines and create a small explosion

  4. Eddie used his juggling skills to create a distraction for the guards

Eddie used his juggling skills to create a distraction for the guards


 As the novel progresses, Esperanza has changed in the way that: 

  1. She has accepted the discrimination around her as societal norms and has begun to resist fighting for change 

  2. She has understood the value of loss and is afraid to put her trust into anyone else again after

  3. She has learned to overcome any challenge with ease, and realizes the American Dream is readily available for all 

  4. She has learned resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity and has become a natural leader

4. She has learned resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity and has become a natural leader 


Which of the following is not an example of symbolism in the book?

  1. The key

  2. The bullet

  3. The cowboy hat

  4. Ruby Pier

The cowboy hat


Which of the following is a connected theme between 5 People and Esperanza Rising? 

- Every life has a purpose, even if you cannot see it.

- Everyone must go on a journey to find their purpose

-In life, there are good times and bad times. 

- Everyone must go on a journey to find their purpose


Which of the following was NOT a moment in history for Esperanza? 

A. The Dust Bowl

B. The Great Depression

C. The Mexican Revolution

D. The Civil Rights Movement

D. Civil Rights Movement


16. Who says, "No life is a waste. The only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we’re alone."?

  1.  Eddie

  2.  The Blue Man 

  3.  The Captain 

  4.  Ruby

B. The Blue Man


How does Miguel’s view of the American Dream juxtapose that of Esperanza’s?

  1. Miguel believes that the American Dream is just a myth, while Esperanza believes it to be a reality for many. 

  2. Miguel believes that with hard work and determination the American Dream can be fulfilled, while Esperanza believes it to be a more challenging concept. 

  3. Miguel and Esperanza both believe that the American Dream can be achieved through perseverance and the will to succeed. 

  4. Miguel and Esperanza both see the American Dream as a false narrative. 

  • Miguel believes that with hard work and determination the American Dream can be fulfilled, while Esperanza believes it to be a more challenging concept. 


_______ and _________ are best juxtaposed through Eddie’s journey.

  1. The dropped key with that of Eddie’s sturdy cane

  2. Dominguez with that of Eddie

  3. The Blue Man with that of the Captain

  4. Ruby Pier with that of the battle grounds of war

4. Ruby Pier and Battle Grounds


Which of the following best depicts how Eddie feels about life without Marguerite? 

  1. Free and liberated

  2. Abandoned and isolated

  3. Unhappy and unfulfilled 

  4. Regretful and confused

3. Unhappy and unfulfilled 


Who is the author of The Five People You Meet in Heaven?

Mitch Albom


As discovered in the opening sections of the book, for what is Eddie saving his money? 

A. To attend school for engineering.

B.To attend school to become a construction worker.

C. To attend school to become a mathematician.

D. To attend school to become a teacher.

A. Engineering 


Esperanza tells Miguel that they reside on two different sides of the river. What does the river represent? 

  1. The distinction between the wealthy and the poor 

  2. The longing Esperanza has for her papa 

  3. The distance it will take for Esperanza and her family to travel to America from Mexico

  4. The obstacles Esperanza will face in her new life in a new land 

1. Distinction between the wealthy and the poor


Which reason best supports why the author used flashback in between each person in the narrative of Eddie’s journey through heaven?

  1. To recount events that happened for each person Eddie meets in heaven, along with showing its impact on them    

  2. To highlight the most important traits of each person Eddie meets in heaven, along with representing each on a deeper level 

  3. To emphasize the struggles faced by each person Eddie meets in heaven, along with the internal and external problems that accompany them  

  4. To immerse the reader in the lives of each person Eddie meets in heaven, along with providing vivid imagery and use of the senses to immerse the audience  

  1. To highlight the most important lesson learned of each person Eddie meets in heaven, along with representing each on a deeper level 


Which theme is captured by Eddie's time with the Blue Man? 

-Every life has a purpose


Why does the author use a “countdown” structure to signify the moments leading up to Eddie’s death?

  1. To capture the characterization of Eddie and who he is on a deeper level

  2. To create a mood of anticipation as the reader awaits Eddie’s death

  3. To depict the setting of Ruby Pier as warm and inviting in the summer  

  4. To represent internal conflict as it pertains to Eddie in his final moments  

2. To create a mood of anticipation as the reader awaits Eddie’s death