The World in 1750
Enlightenment, Revolution and Nationalism
Causes and Effects of the Industrial Revolution
Unresolved Global Conflict

Which gunpowder empire had a more centralized political organization in 1750, with a strong imperial bureaucracy and a clear chain of command?

What is the Ottoman Empire?


This Enlightenment thinker developed the concept of the social contract and believed in the natural rights of life, liberty, and property.

Who is John Locke?


This period in Japanese history marked the rapid industrialization and modernization of the country.

What is the Meiji Restoration?


What is the primary difference between direct and indirect rule?

Direct Rule removes and removes rulers and replaces them with officials from the mother country.

Indirect Rule allows local rulers to maintain authority and power.


What were the factors that fueled international competition leading to world wars? (There are 4)

Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism


European maritime empires held vast territories around the world in 1750. Name all four

What is the Portuguese, Dutch, Spanish and British 


Olympe de Gouges a french writer is well known for writing this important document in response to her male counter parts.

What is the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen?


This devastating event, occurring during the Industrial Revolution, led to widespread famine and mass migration out of an island in the North Atlantic.

What is the Irish Potato Famine?


In order to avoid greater conflict as a result of Imperialism European states joined together to divide Africa. What is this event known as?

What is the Berlin Conference?


The three major Fascist leaders rose to power in the fist half of the 20th century. What are their names and what countries did they rule? 

Hilter: Germany

Mussolini: Italy

Hirohito: Japan


Which gunpowder empire, known for its religious and ethnic tolerance using the millet system allowing for a diverse population to live harmoniously in 1750?

What is the Ottoman Empire?


This leader of a French Colony's independence movement was able to prevail in gaining independence from this French Leader.

(Need both of the leaders) 

Who is Toussaint Louverture?

Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?


The working class formed these in response to unfair and dangerous working conditions.

What are Labor Unions?


This African state resisted Imperialism in the early 20th century

What is Ethiopia?


At the end of each world war Nations came together to form international organizations. One was more successful than the other, what are BOTH international Organizations called?

What is the League of Nations?

What is the United Nations?


This Japanese capital city under the Tokugawa Shogunate was designed to control the daimyo in a very similar manner to Louis XIV's Palace at Versailles. 

What is Edo?

The philosophy of "Blood and Iron" was used by this leader to unify this state.

Who is Otto Von Bismark?

What is Germany?


Based upon the titles of their most influential books  "Wealth of Nations" and "Das Kapital" one might think these two authors had similar ideas but in fact they were polar opposites. Who are the two authors and what ideologies did they inspire?

Karl Marx = Communism/ Socialism

Adam Smith= Capitalism 


As a result of Unequal treaties after the Opium Wars in China, Imperial country citizens living in China would not be held to laws of the China, but instead would be held to the laws of their home country. What is this policy called?

What is extraterritoriality?


Total War had devastating effects on the World as the result of focusing on both the War Front and the Home Front as targets of war. What are three technologies/tactics that made these wars so bloody?

What is Trench Warfare, Machine Gun, Tanks, Planes, Chemical Weapons etc.


How did the Tokugawa Shogunate and the Mughal Empire respond differently to outsiders, such as European traders, during the 18th century?

The Tokugawa: Closed and Isolated

The Mughals: Open to Trade


This movement aimed to establish a homeland for the Jewish people, promoting Jewish cultural identity and nationalism.

What is Zionism?


The Industrial Revolution is a major turning point in world history and was made possible because of new sources of energy and technology. What was the fuel source that powered this wave of industrialization and what island had a lot of it?

What is Coal and Great Britain? 


What is the difference between the Boxer Rebellion and the Taiping Rebellion?

Boxer Rebellion: aimed at removing westerners from China.

Taiping Rebellion: aimed at overthrowing the Manchu (Qing) government.


During this era 1914 to 1945, there were three major Human Rights Violations/ Mass Atrocities. What were the three and where did they take place?

Armenian Genocide: Turkey

Holodomor: Ukraine

Holocaust: Germany