St Matthew Bible
St Mark Bible
St Luke Bible
St John bible

meaning of Matthew name

other jewish name

Gift from God



meaning of Mark name 

other jewish name




what profession was St Like



what did John work as and who is his brother

Fisherman, James


Who wrote the book of Acts

St Luke


symbol of saint Matthew Bible and why

angel or man

descendant of Jesus Christ


symbol of saint Mark Bible  and why


voice screaming in the wilderness


meaning of the name Luke



what symbol the gospel of Saint john and why

Eagle, can look into the sun


Acts is talking about power in the disciples after the holy spirit filled them

mentioned from book of Acts 2  example of this power

St peter trial

St peter in jail

St paul trial

st paul with the boat broken



where did he preach?



who did he serve with before he went to Egypt

mentioned the names of the 2 apostles

Paul and Barnabas


Symbol of his gospel and meaning

ox or bull

focusing about Christ as a sacrifice


what books did saint John write

Gospel, 3 letter, revelation


why the book of Acts does not end with the word Amen?

the work of the church is still continuing


Matthew is the most evangelist talking about kingdom of heaven , mention kingdom of Heaven   33 times, kingdom of God 4 times. give 2 parables mentioned in saint Matthew talking about kingdom of heaven.

parable the wheat and the tares

mustard seed parable

the leaven 

hidden treasure

the pearl of great price

the dragnet that was cast into the sea

The sower

(Matthew 13)


He has the least OT quotation

to whom he wrote the bible and why do you think he had few OT quotation?


they do not know OT


St Luke is known to records the prayers of the saints around Christ, mentions 3 prayers mentioned in the gospel.

st Mary praise

Zachariah prayer

Angel prayers

Simon the elder prayer

Anna the prophetess


the 7 great I am are from the Gospel of saint John?

can you mention 5 of them 

I am the bread of life

I am the light of the world

I am the door of the sheep

I am the Good Shepherded

I am the resurrection and life

I am the way, the truth and the life

I am the true vine

Acts talks about St Peter and St Paul

Both raised pople from death and healed a lame man

can you mention the story

Peter Tabitha and healing the crippled man at the temple

Paul Eutychus and healing crippled in Lystra


Matthew's gospel  is known for the gospel of prophetic fulfillment?

mentions 2 prophecies in the gospel of Saint Matthew

behold the virgin shall be with child and bear a son and they shall call him Immanuel

out of Egypt I called my Son

The land of Zebulun, and the land of naphtali,...

A voice  was heard in ramah,...

He shall be called Nazarene

He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sickness

behold My servant, whom I have chosen

I will open my mouth in parables,...

Behold your king is coming to you lowly sitting on donkey

And they took the 30 piece of silver,..

They divided my garments among them,...


Mark explained aramic words used by Jesus

whom he gave the name Boanerger,

He took the child by the hand and said to her Talitha cumi

then looking up to heaven , he sighed and said to him ephphatha

and they brought him to the place Golgotha

son of thunder

little girl, I say to you arise

be opened

Place of skull


what hobby he had

painter, he drew saint Mary picture


after he became an old man in his 90, famous phrase he used to say to his congregation

my dear little children, let us love one another.


Acts mentioned 2 story about Phillip

Simon the sorcer 

an Eunuch from Ethiopia

can you tell the story

simon wanted to buy the holy spirit gift

eunuch reading in Isaiah