The Time Specs 3000
Telephone mix-up
Sadie's basketball game
Sing to me
Our Big Bro, Johnny Kaw
Our world up close
Great Energy Debate
History of Money

Which president did Miguel talk to at his monument?

Miguel talked to President Lincoln.


What was Dr. Ericksen's prediction?

Dr. Ericksen predicted that there will be a hundred telephones in town.


Why did Sadie recieve fouls?

She recieved fouls for "colliding with another player's wheelchair twice"


What is a stanza?

A stanza is a group of lines in a poem?


Why did the Kaw family leave the crowded city?

The Kaw family left because they needed room to grow and there is a lot of space out west.


What can an electron microscope do?

An electron microscope can magnify something to thousands of times its real size.


What is the text's definition of "energy"

Energy is the ability to do work or to make a change.


What is the text's example of "bartering?"

If a goat herder needs rope, he would trade goat milk for rope


Who created the TimeSpecs 3000

Miguel's grandpa created the TimeSpecs 3000


What is Dr. Kerrigan's job

Dr. Kerrigan's job is veterenarian


Why was Sadie upset?

She was upset because her brother was not at her basketball game.


What is a melody?

A melody is an arrangement of sounds that make up a tune.


Why did Johnny pull the wagon by himself?

He needed to pull the wagon because the oxen were too slow


What does mold look like on a strawberry?

The mold on strawberry looks like grapes.


What is the definition of nonrenewable resources?

Nonrenewable resources are resources that cannot be replaced by nature.


What was a type of currency used in Rome, 900 B.C.

Salt was the type of currency used in Rome, 900 B.C.


What did Miguel think using the TimeSpecs 3000 on was a bad idea?

Miguel thinks using the TimeSpecs 3000 on dinosaur bones is a bad idea.


Where were the telephone poles set up?

They were set up at the general store and hotel.


What did Richie seem to care more about?

He cared more about his high school friends and his new car.


How does the narrator describe practicing the piano?

He describes it as an apple that is just out of reach.


How was the Kaw River was created?

The Kaw River was created when Johnny dragged the wagon and created a ditch. When it rained, the rain water filled the ditch and created the river.

Why are the microscopes we use at school different than electron microscopes?

They are different because the do not show much detail.


What are examples of renewable energy.

Solar power, wind power and biofuels are examples of renewable energy.


What is the timeline of how paper money developed?

First, paper money was developed in China in the 10th century. Then, Sweden began using paper money in the 17th century. 90 years later, Italy started to use paper money.


What were some of Miguels campaign ideas?

Miguel's campaign ideas were "buying fruits and vegetables from the farmer's market" and "starting a book drive for the school library"


How are the telephone boxes described?

They are described as "gleaming wooden boxes on the wall with a black receiver on a hook"


How did Richie help Sadie after the accident.

He helped her by "coaxing her to get up on days she did not want to get out of bed" and "using a wheelchair to help Sadie to learn how to play."


What does

"I can't do this."

"I can't do this."


It means that he does not have confidence in himself?


How were the Rocky Mountains created?

The Rocky Mountains were created when Johnny chopped down mountains with his sharp cutting tool and put them in a big row"?


How does fresh fruit change over time?

First, it looks fresh. After a few days, it gets soft. Eventually, the fruit is covered in mold.


How is coal is turned into energy?

"When coal is burned, it produces heat energy. The heat energy is changed into electrical energy"


How was a coin's value determined?

First, people used a scale to determine the coin's value. Then, they stamped them with designs that stated how much they were worth.


What was Lincoln's suggestion to Miguel?

Lincoln's suggestion to Miguel was to tell people your ideas with honesty and enthusiasm.


What did Meg imagine on her walk home from school?

She imagined "wires carrying the words of friends with people sharing news and birthday wishes"


How did Richie make Sadie feel better?

He made her feel better by "giving Sadie flowers as if she were a queen" and saying "you are my best friend."


How did the mom help the narrator?

She helped the narrator by sitting, " with me every night that week, working my fingers until their efforts made the keys sing to me."


What are the names of the trails Johnny made when he dragged giant bags back and forth?

The trails he made were the Oregon Trail, the Santa Fe Trail and Chishol Trail?


Why do scientist use electron microscopes?

They use microscopes to find the causes of diseases and treat them. They are also used to see how things can change over time.


What are advantages of using wind energy and wind turbines?

Some advantages are that wind energy will never run out, one large wind turbine makes enough energy to power entire cities and they do not damage the environment"?


These are the methods of how money is exchanged today.

Today, money is often exchanged electronically. Many people use credit or debit cards (or wechat pay). Paper money is not used as often.