During which period in a child’s life is weight gain the fastest in proportion to the child’s total weight?
First 6 months
Double Jeopardy!!!
Routine head circumference measurement is recommended for children until age:
3 years.
Studies have shown that a child who is obese between the ages of ___________ has an 80% chance of becoming an obese adult.
a 2 and 4
b 4 and 8
c 10 and 13
d 8 and 12
10 and 13
When compared to the average patient, the expected resting pulse of a marathon runner would be:
Which of the following pulses is palpated on the wrist?
In which illness or condition are dehydration and subsequent electrolyte imbalance of particular concern when the disorder occurs in children?
Failure to thrive may be diagnosed if:
a problem exists with the parent-child relationship.
the child is below the 3rd percentile for weight.
the child has cystic fibrosis.
Double Jeopardy!!!
What is the leading cause of death and injury in adolescents?
Gil’s mother calls to make an appointment for her son. She reports that he has had an elevated temperature for 24 hours, ranging from 99°F to 102.8°F. Mrs. Harris is describing which type of fever?
Which of the following pulses is palpated in the neck?
Double Jeopardy!!!!
What method of evaluation is used to detect microcephaly?
Measurement of the head circumference
During which phase of growth does a child gain almost half of his or her adult weight, and the skeleton and organs double in size?
Adolescent period (12 to 18 years)
Which site for taking an infant’s body temperature is considered to give the most accurate results?
Temporal artery
You are asking a patient about his reason for visiting the doctor. He says that he has had a fever for 2 days that comes and goes; sometimes his temperature is normal, but other times it is elevated. This is what type of fever?
Which of the following pulses is palpated in the antecubital space?
A middle ear infection is called:
otitis media.
By age 3, the child’s vocabulary consists of:
a. more than 2000 words.
b. between 900 and 2000 words.
c. up to 900 words.
more than 2000 words.
Double Jeopardy!!!!!
As a blood pressure cuff is deflated, the first tapping sound is the ______ pressure.
If a bedridden patient has chills and is shivering, what would you expect the body temperature to be?
Double Jeopardy!!!!
If a patient is anxious, the medical assistant would expect the pulse to be:
Another name for chickenpox is:
What is recommended for children with pediatric diarrhea and/or dehydration?
Pedialyte or Infalyte in small amounts
Which of the following pulses is palpated on top of the foot?
How long should the pulse be counted for the most accurate results?
1 minute
Which therapeutic communication involves asking a question or summarizing a patient’s thoughts?