Fire!!!! (well... CODE RED!!!!)
more emergencies
Effects of Aging on Body's Systems
Social effects of Aging
quality of life/quality of care
Other stuff
Components and Care of the resident's environment

What should you SAY if you see a fire?

What should you DO if you see a fire?

Call out CODE RED. 

RACE- rescue, alarm, confine and evacuate/extinguish


How are non-ambulatory residents evacuated? 

1. swing carry techniques- assist to sitting, co-worker grasps resident ankles as you turn the resident so that he sits on the side of the bed, pull resident's arm over your shoulder, with one arm, reach across the resident's back to your co-worker's shoulder, reach under the resident's knee and grasp your co-workers arm. co-worker does the same.


How does skin change during aging? (Integumentary system)

thinning causes wrinkles, skin retains less moisture resulting in dry skin, decreased rate of growth in hair follicles causes thinning, loss of fatty tissue results in adjusting to heat loss, especially in hands and feet, decreased production of melanin production in bulbs of hair causes graying.


What losses do the aging population face?

spouse, peers, children, social role, income, home, possessions, independence, senses, PURPOSE, control- feeling so dependent on others ....


What components make up quality of life?

person's sense of well-being, level of satisfaction with life, feeling of self worth and self esteem.


What is the reason for a department of health survey?

to ensure residents are receiving the care and services they are guaranteed by law, the team's responsibility to ensure that the health and safety of residents is adequately addressed


What is the definition of abuse? neglect? mistreatment? give examples of each.

Abuse is causing injury, unreasonable confinement, intimidation, punishment resulting in physical harm, pain, mental anguish or knowingly withholding goods/services need to be healthy

Neglect-failure of caregiver to provide goods or services needed to avoid a clear and serious threat to physical or mental health

mistreatment-failure to care for a resident properly


What is required for residents rooms by the governing bodies?

comfortable and safe, space for ADLs, privacy, home like setting


In what order should residents be evacuated? 

Evacuate to the closest exist away from the fire.

First- those closest to the fire, then, those who can walk, then wheelchair, last bedbound


Describe one-rescuer carry.

spread blanket on the floor-extend beyond head, assist resident to sit on the side of bed, grasp resident under arms, and cross your hands over their chest, lower to floor by sliding down your leg, wrap blanket around resident and grasp blanket over the head area and pull resident to a safe area.


How does the musculoskeletal system change with aging?

bones become brittle, loss of bone mass, shortening of the spinal column, cartilage deteriorates, muscles decrease in size, strength and endurance decrease, joints stiffen


How might the aging population REACT (actions) to the social changes they are facing? 


actions: mood swings, withdrawal, agitation, anxiety

feelings of sadness, anger, fear, lonliness, abandonment, sadness, anxiety, lower self esteem causing social withdrawal/apathy


How does making decisions (for themselves) help residents?

increases sense of independence, aids in enhancing self esteem


What are the basic human rights? How have they been decreased by living in a nursing home?

treated with respect, live in dignity, pursue a meaningful life, to be free from fear

by not protecting/promoting rights, not allowed freedom to exercise their rights, have not allowed legal representation, have not been informed of rights


What is sexual abuse?

sexual contact that results from threats, force or the inability of the person to give consent. inappropriate touch, assult, rape, sexual harassment, exposure, fondling


What elements should each resident room have?

bed with electric/manual controls, overbed table, bedside stand, call system, chair, privacy curtain, bathroom, closet and drawer space


How should you deal with equipment in the hallways/rooms during a disaster?

Find a safe place to put all the equipment in the hallway- put lifts in unoccupied rooms, turn off concentrators, air conditioners, move oxygen tanks away from incident room, if you are able.


Name at least 5 was to prevent suffocation/choking.

cut food, allow time to eat, check diet order, give small bites, position resident properly and support resident's head, eliminate use of restraints/side rails, eliminate excessive use of cords, use caution with placement of plastic bags.


What changes can occur with aging to the cardiovascular system?

heart rate decreases, the and valves thicken and become less elastic, heart may enlarge, decreased blood flow to organs, arteries and veins narrow and become more rigid/stiff.


How can we help resident cope with changes? can you think of 5 things? 10?

give them time to express themselves, point out signs of sadness or changes in behavior, spend time with resident, talk about losses, watch for signs of prolonged depression/grief

What is holistic or whole person approach to care?

holistic is a focus on well-being of whole resident not just the disease process, care is designed to meet all needs including physical, psychological, social, spiritual


How can we promote the rights of our residents?

ask residents how they want to be cared for-what they want to wear, etc, keep records private, knock/announce before walking in to room, use privacy curtains, assist with bathing, etc without interfering with their independence


what is financial exploitation?

improper action with or without informed consent of the older adult that results in some else's monetary gain or personal profit or loss for the older adult


What are the 4 elements of comfort according to department of health?

temperature and ventilation, odor, noise and lighting


What are the types of fire extinguishers and what are they used for? What type do we have in nursing homes?

A- ordinary combustibles

B- flammable/combustible liquids-gas

C- electrical

D- chemicals

We use ABC in nursing homes.


What is aspiration? 

to draw in or out using a sucking motion, can mean an accidental breathing in of a foreign object into the airway.


What changes can occur in the cerebro-vascular system while aging?Nervous system?

cerebrum may shrink in size however there may be no real changes in the brain unless disease is present.

loss of neurons may cause slower reaction to stimuli, decreased sense of touch, reduced sensitivity to pain, reduced blood flow to brain, decreased senses.


Name ways to promote independence for residents mobility, choice, independence.


choice: improves quality of life, resident directed care, resident centered care- decreases stress, resistance allowing enhanced personal relationship, talk about what their life has been like, learn routines, get to know, they can tell you how to best care for them, chose daily routine, choose things for themselves

independence:-->self esteem, be as independent as possible, give them time, they may be afraid, ESL, encouragement, assurance, make sure devices they need are close by


What does each letter of BASICS stand for?  How does BASICS effect quality of life/quality of care?

B-biological, A- activities of daily living, S-societal, I- Inter-personal, C-Creative, S-symbolic

By providing all levels of care, quality of life increases.


Who MUST report abuse when they have the reasonable cause to believe that a person receiving care or services in a NH has been abused?

everyone who works here


What should you do if you see abuse of a resident?

Stop, protect, and report


What things can we do to make a resident's room more home-like?

personal items-furniture, photos, religious items, plants, arrange items how they like, full visual privacy, locked storage space


How do you use a fire extinguisher?  What's the acronym we use?

P- pull pin

A- aim the hose

S-squeeze the handles

S-sweep the hose side to side pointing at the base of the fire


What are the signs of partial obstruction? complete obstruction?

Partial- wheezing, gurgling in throat or airway, unusual/difficult breathing, shrill/high pitched noise when trying to take a breath.

Complete- sudden inability to speak, breath, or cough, apprehensive, universal sign, must be removed immediately before cardiac arrest occurs, cyanosis


What changes may occur with respiratory and digestive systems with aging?

Respiratory- decreased lung function/ability to breath may cause lungs to lose elasticity, skeletal changes in chest wall may limit expansion during inhalation/exhalation, breathing muscles may weaken and limit capacity and weaken cough reflex.

Digestive- decrease in saliva, appetite, sense of taste and smell, loss of muscle tone to bowel, slowing rate of peristalsis.

How does taking diversity into consideration increase quality of life/quality of care?

by eliminating health care disparities and providing high quality patient care


If you fail to report abuse what is a possible consequence?

can be found guilty of unprofessional conduct in the practice of their profession


Who is at risk of abusing our residents?

sick, tired, worked too many hours, under stress in personal life, drug/alcohol, poor supervision, low self-esteem, short staffed, don't get along with co-workers, take things personally, tend to be impatient, not calm, may appear threatening