In autumn I wear clothes like...a) swimsuit, b) boots, c) sweater
What are 3 WH question words that you know?
you use this to feel the flavor of the food.
_____ you happy in this school? a)is, b)was, c)are
Are you happy in this school?
The ______________ is the one that helps me learn english.
Spell the season of the year in which we are today.
s u m m e r
Ask your partner from your left a question with WHERE.
...Where are you from?
ask your classmate from your right to: "touch your left ear with your right hand from behind your head"
...toca tu oreja izquierda con tu mano derecha por detrás de tu cabeza"
She ____ not happy in that team, so she changed to this one.
a) were
b) is
c) was
She was not happy in that team, so she changed to this one.
What would you like to be when you are older? your favorite profession
What do you like to wear in winter?
... long-sleeve shirt
Who do you like to spend time with?
..."name of your favorite person"
If you answered correctly, get a "free pass" to get points when you don´t know the answer
Spell the answer:
"Body part that is at the end of your arm...but not your hand".
s h o u l d e r
___ the dog hurt after the fight with that cat?
a) Were
b) Are
c) Was
Was the dog hurt after the fight with that cat?
A nurse is the person who...
a) takes care of people in a hospital.
b) serves you dinner in a restaurant.
c) helps you loose weight.
A nurse is the person who takes care of people in a hospital.
Ask your favorite classmate to tell you all the seasons of the year
Describe your favorite pet using the WH question words
What is your favorite pet?
Why do you like it?
When have you had one?
Where do you keep it?
Who gave it to you?
Point your elbow.
..."apunta tu codo"
Complete the verb "to be" in the present tense:
I___, You___, He____, She___, It___, We___, You___, They____.
I am He is We are
You are She is You are
It is They are
Name 3 professions that are related to food.
What is your favorite season of the year and why?
Tell us about your house? (using the 5 wh questions: what, where, when, who, why?)
...What does your house look like?
...Where is your house?
...When did you move to your house?
...who do you live with?
...why do you like your house?
Stand up. Name and point 3 body parts from your waist down.
leg, foot, toes, knee, waist, ankle
Change this sentence to the negative form:
"I really like to ride a bike"
"I really don´t like to ride a bike"
w r i t e r
w e i t e r / w e i t r e s s
w o r k e r