This type of referral would be used for these specialties: Alternative medicine, Optometry, PT/OT and mental health.
What are Self referrals
“Help! My meds have been stolen.” This is the department I should contact.
What is the Pharmacy
A request for disabled parking letter would go to this pool
What is the clinic business office
In December 2022, KP began mailing out this to all it’s members for travel.
What is a travel card?
Name this adorable animal
What is a hedgehog
What is required to place the following referrals?
Neurology, palliative care, Ortho
What is an appointment
Messages for anxiety meds prior to a procedure or flying get routed here
What is THMC provider
A work note for acute illness less than 7 days goes to this pool
Members can use this tool from anywhere in the WORLD at any time while traveling.
what is the travel line
This small animal is associated with Spring time
What is a bunny
In Western WA a patient that has been seen in November 2022 and has questions regarding CPAP equipment would go to which pool
What is Sleep Disorder Services
Patient states “I have a new rash that started since starting this medication.” This would be the pool you would route the message.
What is THMC RN/LPN for triage
A letter is requested for Jury Duty excusal would be sent to this pool
What is THMC providers
In 2023 KP added a new option for members traveling to seek urgent care. The newest option would be this.
what is the Little Clinic
Daily Double
Sometimes know as a flying squirrel
what is a Sugar glider
A STOP Bang/Epworth questionnaire is sent for this type of referral request
What is a sleep study
Daily Double
Tadalafil, Ivabradine and Clonazepam are both a contraindication for this medication.
What is Paxlovid
Patient with Teamsters insurance requests a massage letter, would go to this pool
What is THMC providers
This template would be pending if a member asks for documentation to travel with a medication.
What is the Airline Travel with med template
This Finding Nemo character adorably said "You made me ink"
Who is Pearl the Octopus
A staff message for a location change would go to this department.
what is Pre service Medical (RSU)
Member reports unable to initiate their own refill online: This pool would handle this message.
what is Pharmacy contact center assistants
This department handles ESA letter requests for established patients.
What is Mental Health Department
This virtual tool can be used by members anywhere in the U.S to be connected to a provider
What is Get Care Now
These adorable 7 people make up which part of THMC?
Who is the Fun Committee