Coping Skills
Trauma Symptoms
Fun Questions

True or False: It is ok to say that I feel good even if something is bothering me.

False- not communicating can cause misunderstandings and hard feelings which can lead to trouble in relationships.


True or False- I should not have to use a coping skill just because someone else thinks that I should

True - I should use coping skills because it is the healthy thing to do. Using coping skills should be a skill that I have learned to help me in various situations


Name 3 trauma symptoms

Avoiding things that remind you of some aspect of the trauma, negative cognition's, self blame, guilt, anxiety, nightmares, or flashbacks.

Hyper-arousal (increased heart rate, muscle tension & sweating), Hypervigilent (being on guard/alert mode and scanning the environment as if something bad is going to happen), Problems with concentration, Sleep disturbances, Being easily angered, Being overly watchful and alert to danger, Experiencing intense emotions


What is Trauma?

Trauma is any scary or upsetting event that we have experienced.


What can caterpillars turn into?



True or False: If I want to talk, I should always choose a trusted adult who will tell me how it is and not just what I want to hear

True - a trusted adult will always tell me the truth, even if the truth hurts and makes me uncomfortable because truth is ultimately more healthy than not expressing my feelings


When should coping skills be used?

Coping skills should be used any time I feel an escalation of emotions and feelings, whether negative or positive


What is a trauma trigger?

Triggers can include sights, sounds, smells, or thoughts that remind you of the traumatic event in some way, even when you do not want to remember it.


What are examples of trauma?

Car accidents, natural disasters like tornadoes, physical abuse, and sexual abuse are all types of trauma that kids can experience.


What is the least common M&M color?



True or False: The more I communicate with ______, the easier it becomes

False- Not necessarily.  I may become more comfortable with communicating but it may not always feel natural to me


How many coping skills should I know?

This depends on the person.  I should have a "toolbox" full of coping skills (tools) that I can utilize at any given time


Name 2 examples of trauma triggers that might make someone remember something when they do not want to.

  • Thinking or remembering the abuse when you’re doing something else

  • Having nightmares of the abuse

  • Feeling like you’re relieving the abuse (flashbacks)

  • Feeling upset after seeing, smelling, hearing, or thinking about something that reminds you of the abuse

  • Recurrent & involuntary memories of the abuse


What are some common reactions that come after trauma?

Examples include: avoiding things that remind you of the trauma (trauma triggers), experiencing big emotions (fear, anger, sadness), feeling jumpy, and not wanting to be away from our parents or safe adults.


Turtles can breathe through their noses, but also this other body part...

A) their toes 

B) their butts 

C) their belly button 

D) their ears

Their butts


True or False: If I communicate with a trusted adult, I avoid misunderstanding and possible hurt feelings

True - No one can know how I am feeling unless I tell them honestly what I am feeling


Name 3 coping skills that I can use to help me de-escalate negative feelings

Deep Breathing, guided imagery, time out, hugging myself, walking away and taking time to myself, physical activity, phoning a friend, talking to a trusted friend/adult, coloring, drawing, shopping, take a drive in the car or on a bike, hiking, picking flowers, etc


Name at least one negative thought related to trauma and why this thought may or may not be true?

It was my fault because I did not say no. 

Something is wrong with me because of what happened to me.

I am not safe anywhere.

I should have done something.


How many people experience trauma in their lives?

Almost half of all kids have experienced some kind of trauma. You are NOT ALONE!!


True or False: A Crocodile cannot stick out its tongue.



True of False: I should always, at least, try to communicate.

True - No pain, no gain


If I use a coping skill and it does not work, what should I do then?

Try another until one of them work!


What does Flight, Fight, or Freeze mean? Which one do you mostly do?

Fight, Flight, or Freeze

Fight- The fight response is your body's way of facing any perceived threat aggressively.

Flight-  Flight means your body urges you to run from danger.

Freeze- Freeze is your body's inability to move or act against a threat.


Experiencing trauma in childhood... 

A) Can NOT affect you as an adult 

B) Will NOT affect you if you don't remember it

C) Is NOT as bad as experiencing trauma as an adult

D) Can have long lasting impacts on your mental and physical well-being

D) Can have long lasting impacts on your mental and physical well-being. 

The more experiences of trauma a person has in their early life, the chances of them experiencing mental health and physical health issues greatly increase. Even though people can not always remember abuse that they may have experienced as a child, it can still significantly impact their life.


True or False: Worms reportedly taste like bacon.
