When an event is both happy and saddening
Bitter Sweet
The third planet from the sun
This man led the American army in the revolutionary war, and later became president
General George Washington
This country has the most islands in the world, with over 250,000 islands
Something people say when two things are close but not the same
Same Difference
Not bad
A Person, Place or a thing
This person was considered 'great' he invaded Persia
General Alexander the Great
When an event was shocking but now isn't
Old News
The currency used in India
This person made the telephone
Alexander Graham Bell
This man took over lots of Europe's land, he was banished to not one but two different Islands
General Napoleon Bonaparte
When frozen foods are exposed to cold, dry air and dehydrate
Freezer Burn
Card game Gin
Water is an example of this state of matter
This person was the founder of the Mongol Empire
General Genghis Khan
When is is so quiet it is unnerving
Deafening Silence
If you stare into this, this will stare into you
The abyss
Brazil's capital is this
This person founded the Roman Empire
General (Caesar) Augustus