Life Dimensions
Sprint Launch
Test Week Retro
Sprint Retro

What are the Life Dimensions?

Health, Relationships, Career, Impact, Finance, Spirituality, Enjoyment


What are the two frameworks coaches use to support participants in creating challenges?

Challenge-Skill Balance


What are the four main objectives of this session?

Review insights and learnings

Make any iterations or additions 

Discuss blockers, learnings, and growth opportunities shared by participant.

Solidify takeaway action items.


True or False: Accountability sessions should just be about completion rate

FALSE. This is an opportunity to support the participant on iterating their goals to ensure optimal satisfaction. 


Why is it important to review the Life Dimension Reassessment? 

You will use this data to compare the beginning of their sprint to the end and to help them assess what happens after they’ve completed Sprint 1 and have clear data that demonstrates their progress towards goals.  


What are the seven main objectives of session one?

Welcome, Build Rapport, Explore Current State and Goals, Define clear challenges, Input challenges into the app, Share your screen & show how to use the app, Start Sprint! 


What is the framework that helps a participant understand how difficult to make a challenge so they don't experience anxiety or boredom?

Challenge Skills Balance


True or False: Test Week Retro you cannot erase all challenges and start with new ones

FALSE. While this doesn't often happen, participants can have big life transitions that occur and shift their priorities. 


What are the three main objectives of this session?

-Review sprint progress from the previous week. Have participant identify wins, insights, and blockers.
-Use Sprint Review to support participant in elevating challenges or navigating blockers.
-Discuss 1-2 focus areas for participant to experiment with for the week 


What are the four main objectives of this session?

Reflect on overall Sprint experience (wins, blockers, learnings, insights), Review the Life Dimensions Reassessment using data, Capture experience with coaching & app, Conclude and Identify Participant next steps with hOS


What is the purpose of the Life Dimensions Assessment?

This helps participants create awareness about all dimensions of life so they have a starting point to begin reaching for their goals. It can also be used at different points throughout their sprint as a ‘temperature check’ as their goals and dreams continue to evolve. Looking at the big picture will help the participant find clarity and make more informed decisions moving forward.


What does SMART goals stand for?

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound


If a participant struggled with a challenge during test week, what framework can you utilize to help them identify if iterations need to be made?

Challenge Skills Balance & SMART goals


Why is fostering celebrations & insights imperative?

It will increase motivation and resilience for future blockers, help participants work towards sprint progress, and encourage growth.


What questions can you ask a participant to help them identify wins from their Sprint?

What challenges had the largest success rates? 

The biggest impacts? 

What helped you reach your goals?


What are three questions to build rapport in the first session?

What does your life look like? Who are some of the most important people in your life? What do you do for work? How do you spend most of your time? What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Do you have any specific interests or passions?  


What is the intention of Test Week?

  • Provides a built in opportunity to review their experience with challenges and reflect

  • Ensure challenges are meaningful, sustainable, and in alignment with goals and dreams

  • Make adjustments before locking challenges in


If a participant had a 100% completion rate during Test Week, what should you do?

-Ask them where their challenges fall on the challenge skills balance
-Ask them what iterations, if any, they would like to make
-Highlight that this is an opportunity for growth and inquire if their challenges are pushing them towards growth/goals


What are three example questions to help a participant identify wins/insights/learnings and celebrate?

What are some of the biggest wins that stand out to you from the past week?

What challenges yielded the most satisfaction?

What has been your favorite or most impactful experience so far?

What helped you follow through with your intentions from last week?

What helped you reach your goals this week?

What impacts are you already noticing from succeeding in these challenges?

What questions can you ask a participant to help them identify blockers?

What challenge was the most difficult to complete?

 What road blocks came up? 

How did you reroute around them?


What are three questions to explore different Life Dimensions with a participant?

What does your current reality look like?
What does _____ (rating) mean to you?
What do you desire to be doing differently?
What would a 10 look like in this area? What would you hope to achieve by the end of this Sprint?

What’s getting in the way and causing friction?
What would it mean to you to make progress in this area?


What should a Coach NOT do when supporting a participant in creating challenges?

-Make their challenge for them
-Provide suggestions
-Tell them what frequency they 'should do'
-Tell them the challenges don't matter because test week doesn't count


If a participant expresses frustration with themselves for not completing challenges during test week, what should the coach do?

-Refer back to challenge skills balance
-Support the participant in identifying blockers
-Ask the participant why they created these challenges in the first place (inquiring about intentions/dreams/goals)


Why is it important to have the participant identify blockers in session?

Supporting participants in learning how to identify what ‘gets in the way’ and how to persevere through will support them in their journey of continuous growth, rather than a ‘stop, start, stop’ cycle.


What questions can you ask to help a participant identify learnings? Why is this important?

  • What from this Sprint will you take with you? What challenges will you continue?

  • This is important to highlight because it can reflect the ways participants learned to navigate blockers, skills/techniques they learned that are supportive when pursuing challenges, and provide insight on iterations to make to challenges or their next Sprint.