Name a big Number
Anything over one trillion
x2=64 What does x equal
How many holes in a polo
Name a Color that starts with Q
A healer a wizard and a tank walk into a bar. What is wrong with this statement.
No commas
Heads or tails
What Country could be used as a response to the question, How are you feeling, and what kind of car do you drive?
While a lot of people are born without this, those who are born with this usually tend to cut it for hygiene reasons.
How Tall is Micah
The council will decide your fate
Do you like turtles?
I like turtles
A father gives his firstborn son a quarter and he gives his second son a nickel, what time is it.
Look at a clock doofus.
How many solar luminosities is the sun?
Finish the song lyric
Name Something Big
Anything larger than Earth
How much was $1 worth in 1976
One Dollar
How Much Wood Could A Woodchuck Chuck, if a Woodchuck Could Chuck Wood?
At least Seven
Despite what many people believe, what is the REAL tallest mountain in the world?
Mt. Everest
Hail, a many-headed snake whose heads grew again as they were cut off, eventually killed by Hercules.
Hail Hydra
Loose some gold
If you say no, it doesn't count though
What is Candy land rated on average 1-5 stars. Must be within 0.5 stars.
4.8 stars
Who is the man of the house
Whatever dad says
Spell Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
True or false
There is a hole in your heart that you couldn't live without.
Blood vessels and such
When A is true B is always true. If A is false, what do we know about B
Power House?